
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Prophecy



We are pleased to announce WARHAMMER 40,000: INQUISITOR  PROPHECY, a stand-alone expansion pack for Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr. It is a brand new action-RPG experience in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and although Inquisitor – Martyr is not required to play, the story is designed to fit both for new and for returning players.

Main features

  • New Class: Play as a Tech-Adept Inquisitor. Summon and enhance units to help defeat enemies and complete investigations. This new summoner class comes with new unique abilities and mechanics, a unique skill-tree and various new melee and ranged builds.
  • New Campaign: The story of Inquisitor – Martyr continues in three new chapters, with one chapter solely focusing on the Tech-Adept, as its story slowly ties into the main plot.
  • New Environments: Players can discover huge monasteries, hazardous factories, unforgiving deserts and ruthless worlds engulfed by lava and volcanoes.
  • New Enemy Races: Inquisitor – Prophecy adds the Eldar and the Tyranids as new enemy races.
  • New Gameplay Mechanics: Inquisitor – Prophecy will be based on Inquisitor - Martyr’s 2.0 update, bringing the base game’s new level cap, redesigned loot-system and leveling, its new end-game, the co-op campaign mode, new items and a much faster, ARPG-focused gameplay to the stand-alone expansion as well.

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Prophecy will be available on PC on May 28 for $24.99, while those who already own a copy of Inquisitor – Martyr receive -30% off of their purchase for a limited time.

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players will be able to pick the game up at a later date.

We'll reveal more of this new title in the following weeks, so stay tuned, and check back here often! If you don't want to miss out on news like this, please subscribe to our Newsletter below.

This post was modified 5 years 143 days ago by Megapull
Store Page
Announcing Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Prophecy
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5 years 161 days ago

Well I’m a little concerned that this a stand-alone and not an expansion, will all the content of Prophecy be available to play in Martyr?

If not, I’m surprised you’ve taken that route - the base game desperately needs the new enemies and environments to extend its longevity - without having to exit Martyr to play it, what happens with your Fate points for example, do you even need those for Prophecy? 

I have to be honest - if this is a pure standalone product with its own DLC, I might have to miss this one even though I liked Martyr.

This comment was edited 5 years 161 days ago by Chas88
4 years 270 days ago
We will be streaming next week where we will reveal the release date of Prophecy. Stay tuned until then!:)
5 years 152 days ago

I am really confused at the news that a stand alone expansion is being released.

With martyr doing so poorly with reviews and having such a bad reputation (sorry just being honest). I find it bizarre that new content is being released without fixing the original game.  Surely it would have made more sense to put all the effort into the 2.0 patch and keep the fan base happy?

Why a stand alone expansion?

Just integrate it as a proper DLC like every other game does......

There is a small and dedicated fan base still supporting this game despite its reputation and previous failings.

Please don't screw us all over?

I fully appreciate games are made to make money but with such a niche game you need the fans to support you, maybe listen to all the comments in the forums and take the common points on board?

5 years 162 days ago

I will wait and see. Inquisitor Martyr has a very nice 40K feel to it, but still seems unfinished.

Then this.

If we can play through the base campaign as this new class in addition to rest, then its all good. If not? I don't know.

I am certainly not pre-ordering after all the EA/Ubisoft shenanigans recently. If people I trust say the game is good, I will buy. If not? I will wait for a sale.

This comment was edited 5 years 162 days ago by Kalenath
5 years 161 days ago
I'm just gonna say this: If this is not integrated into the base game for those who own it (if i have to exit martyr to play prophecy) and my character does not carry over, or the new class is not playable in the original martyr. I am never touching this game again. Dawn of war integrated it's stand-alone packs if you had the original or one of the other stand alones. If you don't do this it's lazy and it's a F you to us fans.

-Prophecy better be integrated into original Martyr for us who own it (everybody here!)

-New class better be playable in the original campaign

-All items, stats etc better be carried over smoothly

these are my, and probably MOST owner of Martyrs conditions.

don't F us on this.

5 years 159 days ago
It doesn't make sense, why do this. I really like the game but i think it's fair to say that it's living on "good-will" from fans right now. Doing this to attract new players may alienate the rest of us. They should have made it a fully fledged expansion and included it with new purchases of Martyr. The new class should be present in Martyr too.  For the rest of us who own Martyr the discount is OK, but i don't think console players will get the discount due to the way they differ in structure (stores)
5 years 132 days ago
Still waiting for a commissar class. Sadface.
5 years 155 days ago
You people make a new expac  we have to pay for and you have not even fixed Martyr. Would be nice to do Harbingers of Fate, so I can progress but no your to busy pushing a expac . This should have been patched ,fixed whatever you want to call it before you expect newer players like myself to take a chance on your new expac. Shame on you folks, just wondering did someone like Activision ,EA, Zenimax buy you people. This is the crap they do to their players.
5 years 99 days ago

Those who own Martyr can Prophecy get integrated into their base game so you don't have to switch between the games to play both. 

5 years 99 days ago
Excellent :D

and the achievements ? are there gonna be more achievements related to it too ?

if no current plan for more achievements to it  "Steam" then no worries add more of them asap <3

I am happy to support / pre-order it asap.

Thank you for the wonderful work. 

5 years 80 days ago
In my region, prophecy is currently being shown as having a 10% discount on steam. When or how will the 30% discount for current Martyr owners be applied?
5 years 80 days ago

¨Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Prophecy will be available on PC on May 28 for $24.99, while those who already own a copy of Inquisitor – Martyr receive -30% off of their purchase for a limited time.¨

I can only see  10% off in the steam store.

5 years 162 days ago
It's a Joke. We have to pay for an Addon 16,69€? Why we can't purchase the Addon with Fate? THATS what Fate should be used for - and NOT that minor Campaigns you have released within the last 6 Months.

I'm NOT happy with that. ~17€ seems to be TOO MUCH just for a 4th Class and 3 minor Campaigns/Chapters - especially if I compare it with the latest Releases.

Anyway, we will wait for the first Reviews. If the Result is the same as we can see already for the "Base Game" (that was founded by us) it will be ignored - just as we did with some of the other DLC.

5 years 162 days ago

stand-alone expansion pack

So we can not play the new class in the base game?

5 years 162 days ago
Absolutely NOT. Not going to pay for it. Sorry devs, so much DLC is playable in a half-hours time. I expect the same here and will not pay for it.
5 years 162 days ago
I hope to the Emperor that this will be included in the Console Season Pass
5 years 162 days ago
I cant imagine any of these posts that are thanking Neocore for the Sale of the coming expansion are real. While i get that neocore needs to make money, hiding crucial content/mechanics behind a paywall,beside the initial payment for the base game, is a low blow. 
5 years 161 days ago

Few questions.

- If i buy this dlc i have access to the all content of the core game ?  Story mision, little dlc for fate (if i buy), all endgame mode.

- Can i create all other class ?

- Can play coop with all player who have basic game or dlc Prophecy ?

- Can buy this dlc as gift on STEAM ?

- if someone who have Martyr buy dlc as gift pay only 16 EUR or 17.5 USD

5 years 160 days ago
So the reason it took over 6 month for Neocore to fix its broken base gamwas they were creating a stand alone cash grab?

5 years 160 days ago
Posted by Nonchelante1990 5 years 160 days ago
That is correct. That's why the first story chapter in prophecy is for the new class only, to introduce it and tell why he wasn't present in martyr. We cannot play the new class in the original martyr....I am so pissed and sad RN. I literally just bought the physical imperium edition because i heard the 2.0 announcement. Now i'm just disappointed,... It should have been a full on expansion. This is just sad.

Well, this is really sad. This will clearly split up the community of players, which is already small.

5 years 66 days ago
It's a separate game.
5 years 134 days ago

Pls do it as DLC. How said before just integrate it as a proper DLC like every other game does.

This comment was edited 5 years 134 days ago by D3kim
4 years 271 days ago
is a date to when is going to be on consoles?? 
5 years 149 days ago

Hello. Excuse me in advance for my English.I want to say in defense of the developers. They had no plans to add new game characters in the near future, although many game fans asked for it and offered their own options. Offered to make it a paid addition. The developers went to meet the players and made a new pesonage with their history, mechanics. Yes, they made this supplement paid for everyone, but already said that the owners of the martyr will receive a 30% discount. And why is it so different? So that the developers went to meet the players? So that you have spent your time, energy and resources to create a new pesonage? Or those that do not work for free? And who generally works for free? Players and so given the opportunity to buy DLC for in-game currency. So I don’t think developers are greedy or bad. And it's time for the players to go down to the ground and remember that the games are made by people who have families, children. And they will not be given anything for free in the store just because their relatives make free DLCs. And no one forces anyone to buy this DLC. I suggest everyone to be kinder and treat each other with understanding :)

5 years 148 days ago
Posted by Shadowsaber 5 years 149 days ago

Hello. Excuse me in advance for my English.I want to say in defense of the developers. They had no plans to add new game characters in the near future, although many game fans asked for it and offered their own options. Offered to make it a paid addition. The developers went to meet the players and made a new pesonage with their history, mechanics. Yes, they made this supplement paid for everyone, but already said that the owners of the martyr will receive a 30% discount. And why is it so different? So that the developers went to meet the players? So that you have spent your time, energy and resources to create a new pesonage? Or those that do not work for free? And who generally works for free? Players and so given the opportunity to buy DLC for in-game currency. So I don’t think developers are greedy or bad. And it's time for the players to go down to the ground and remember that the games are made by people who have families, children. And they will not be given anything for free in the store just because their relatives make free DLCs. And no one forces anyone to buy this DLC. I suggest everyone to be kinder and treat each other with understanding :)

How much money does neocore pay you?

This comment was edited 5 years 148 days ago by P0len
5 years 148 days ago
Please dont fuck this up. Martyr has potential, and some really loyal followers beside that the game has a beta feeling of unfinished business.

I hope 2.0 will revive the game and show us what you can do.

But what is needed, is a full disclosure of HOW Prophecy will fit into Martyr. Especially for owners of Martyr.

Do i have to start Prophecy as a game or can access the new content from Martyr once i bought Prophecy?

5 years 148 days ago

Nobody paid me.

5 years 100 days ago

Looking forward to learning more about the Tech-Adept Inquisitor.

5 years 100 days ago

I hope by know they merged  this upcoming story/expansion into the main game we already got. " even if  as locked/paid only part "

I really  do not want to have 2 separated games to start/close each time.. with different achievements instead of  increasing the amount of achi'points on the  current main game.

5 years 80 days ago

I'm sorry to say this but, this prophecy stand alone dlc sounds like the same shenanigans bungie is pulling with destiny. Granted it's not costing an arm and a leg + our soul but it still sounds like a money trap.

This comment was edited 5 years 80 days ago by retrospect
5 years 80 days ago

Hey guys & gals of Neocore

Just want to wish you the best of luck for todays Prophecy launch & hope it goes as smoothly as possible.

Looking forward to playing it:)



This comment was edited 5 years 80 days ago by BaronVonBoom
5 years 80 days ago
So sorry if this has been asked before, but it looks like the forum hasn't been updated in some time. Is there any news on console release for Prophecy/ToO
5 years 80 days ago
and now we play the waiting game.... none shall find us wanting!
5 years 162 days ago
Only one comment: OH YEAHH!!!! :) I can't wait to play this expansion, also thanks for the sale!
5 years 162 days ago
This looks great!  Hopefully all the updates and optimizations will breath new life into the playerbase.  I look forward to playing some pet class.  :)
5 years 162 days ago
By The Emperor!

5 years 162 days ago
Yeeaahhh, those are good news the price is fair to support the devs, im lookin forward to play Prophecy on Ps 4.

The Emperor protects.

5 years 162 days ago

sorry i don't understand, does this mean i can replay Martyr champain with Tech-Adept? or only Prophecy ones? And if someone buys Prophecy will he be able to do coop with vanilla Martyr players? 

5 years 80 days ago
It will be available for console at a later date. It's doubtful console will get the same discount though seeing how its only running for a month. It's my understanding that console is two or three months behind pc.
5 years 80 days ago

Megapull has posted a reply on the steam forums about the discount:

"We are working together with Steam to resolve the discount not being active, apologies for the inconvenience."

5 years 80 days ago

So they are obviously LYING to as, Im from Poland (Poor land) and on my side mostly all prices is high. What worse they game have some bugs, but be resonable and don't get so greedy and give us reliable price. 

When they LYING TO US!!!

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Prophecy for Martyr receive -30% 

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Prophecy for Martyr receive -10% 

This comment was edited 5 years 80 days ago by LIVING LIT4NY
5 years 162 days ago

Will we be able to play the Inquisitor-Adept in the base game? And... Will Eldar and Tyranids show up in the base game? Or..Do we gain access to the areas they are in?

Excited for this!!

5 years 80 days ago

I like inquisitor martyr i really do!; but please forgive me if i'm not to egar to jump on the prophecy dlc. I've been duped by to maney triple A dev's and publishers that have done the same thing. 

This comment was edited 5 years 80 days ago by retrospect
5 years 80 days ago
Discount is fixed! 30% now active.
5 years 80 days ago

I'm curious if Jim Sterling will be interested in this topic..

5 years 80 days ago

I am returning the honour, they kept word and change promotion price in my region to established earlier so i have nothing to say now.

This comment was edited 5 years 80 days ago by LIVING LIT4NY
5 years 80 days ago
Posted by Hashimov 5 years 80 days ago
Discount is fixed! 30% now active.
Still showing 10% for me but as I've already bought it do I need to refund it and buy it again?
5 years 162 days ago
niiice! I'll wait for the console release.
5 years 161 days ago
Eldar and Tyranids to purge?

The Emperor has blessed us!

5 years 161 days ago
No It's new content, Is other arpg or mmo make their standalone/expansion free ? For us, it 25 USD - 30%, not really expensive !