Welcome to Push Back Week


OK, 3 days to go before release, we've been here before and we all know what happened then

let's have a vote... 

when is it going to pushed back, and what will be the shambolic excuse for it this time.

I'm going for 

Before 14:00 today and excuse is "we just can't get the right colour of blue on the PlayStation box"

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6 years 186 days ago
It's still 23rd of August. 
6 years 186 days ago
Then I vote for, it is going to be released on the 23rd of August as they actually said or maybe the 24th. So Thursday or (what´s the big deal) Friday.

Maybe with some time I may just go for Console Version too.

I don´t think Console Wantsers have to wait longer. It´s just around the corner. There won´t be more delays now.

6 years 187 days ago
Are you eligble to vote, at all?

Players should never vote in video game, they chose crap over a good thing. The second player starts working on a game or doing anything serious in development, his mind changes on number of topics. But sure, 'let's vote'. Do you thing it's a democracy? Do you think if borderline majority voters-players vote bolter being 2x times better than anything else, than it mush be GOOD? I mean, players said so with 53% for...

6 years 187 days ago
We typos the games name is my vote
6 years 187 days ago


We have a new release date for the console editions of Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr. The new date for PS4 and Xbox One is 

August 23, 2018.

Humm what about .... August 24 :  " Did i really write August 23 ?! My bad, it is September 23 !"

This comment was edited 6 years 187 days ago by Koredor