We need offline


Have yall ever thought about an offline mode for inquisitor because I really feel like this game deserves a legacy that will last. The game is online only which makes me think it's on permanent life support which means one day the servers will shut down and we all won't be able to play the game that we payed for. I realize that there is a lot of online event stuff for us to do that wouldn't be available in the base game but the thing is that we still have the base game on our machines and we should be able to play that base game online or not. Recently with games like Diablo 4 getting ddos all the time and payday 3 not working most of the time leads me to believe that online only is not dependable or long lasting whatsoever in the least bit. Inquisitor martyr is a good game and it doesn't deserve to disappear quietly with a whimper one day just because yall think it won't just lose its entire community. Despite what you said about what has been said of the servers being allegedly permanently online. That kind of foolish thinking is simply not enough and will one day leave the game in a state of not earning profit which in turn will make it unworthy of support. If that doesn't convince you then think of the extra dollars you would make on the community of people still sitting on the fence for this game because it's online only.

Really think on what I've said because it can make you money and save you money and keep your community happy and strong. 

Stability and assurance are very powerful things.

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We need offline
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1 year 140 days ago
They said recently on steam there will be one in future.