Warhammer 40k Inquisitor Challenges


I seem to be unable to complete my challenge hmmm... After returning to the game (Xbox) after a long while, I have my first challenge to complete two missions that are at least four levels above me, without using anything on my belt or armour. I have now done many missions and this has not completed, an I missing something? Any help greatly appreciated. 

Thanks in advance.

This post was edited 5 years 92 days ago by Kailen187
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Warhammer 40k Inquisitor Challenges
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5 years 90 days ago
Beside the suggestions below we will also check the mentioned Challenge as this is not the intended behavior. Could you please tell us (to see whether this matters) which class do you play with? 
5 years 91 days ago

Also consider that challenges are only progressing in solo mode, in co-op they are not counting :)

5 years 91 days ago

Sometimes the challenges break and don't count progress. I've seen it with several ones. The only way to fix this is to reroll a stuck challenge to something else. That was the only way for me to fix it on the times it happened... Login logout, close game, etc - those don't help. I'm on PS4 btw. 

This comment was edited 5 years 91 days ago by Daedrael
5 years 91 days ago

Hi, I completed this task as a psyker, I was wearing armor  (warpbound armor) and psychic focus with empty sockets for psyker's powers. Works 100%. Use random assigments with the right difficulty ( +4 or higher)