Unable to unlock ivory crusade secret mission on the right path


There are apparently 2 events on 3rd mission in the right path to unlock the secret mission on PS4.
but one of the event does not finish properly with guardsmen not joining at the end.
Consequently I assume that it does not trigger the secret mission. 

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Unable to unlock ivory crusade secret mission on the right path
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5 years 90 days ago

There's the hidden purple mission which is an extra branch from the node which goes to the right supreme mission (do the crusade all the way to the right, then 4 on the left until the fugitive mission). Then there's the covert orange mission that shows up in the top right corner after clearing up mobs around a stormwatcher statue and interacting with a cogitator on 7th mission on the left (I think - khorne incursion, a renamed purge).

So there's something more on the right side? 

This comment was edited 5 years 90 days ago by Daedrael
5 years 91 days ago
Thanks for your answer.

I've experienced it on my own progressing in the crusade :)

5 years 98 days ago
You have to talk to one of the guardsmen.