Uther’s Secret- unable to talk to Thorn


Created a Bug Report: ID 0008769

On the mission Uther’s Secret, I am unable to talk to Thorn in order to repel the Drukhari raid. The X icon appears, pressing the X button highlights the X icon on screen, but does not trigger the mission. Closing and opening the game does not resolve the issue.  More details can be provided upon request.

PS 5 Ultimate Edition
Version 1.003.000
Character: Adept Dominus (Name Migleton)

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Uther’s Secret- unable to talk to Thorn
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1 year 152 days ago
woah. That's a new one. I'm glad to hear it doesn't hinder gameplay, but I'll ask the devs to take a look at it nonetheless to make sure. 
1 year 153 days ago

Thank you for the help.  I am able to proceed with the game, but every time I return to the bridge, it plays the cutscene with Inquisitor Mercer telling me to go see the Harlequin.  An exclamation mark is permanently above Capt. van Wynter's head, but thankfully it does not seem to hinder any gameplay. 

1 year 155 days ago
Hey there, should be fixed now :)
1 year 156 days ago
Hello, thank you for fixing the mission.  I was indeed able to proceed.  Now I am stuck on Tyranid Menace.  Whenever I return to the bridge, it keeps playing the cutscene with Inquisitor Mercer telling me to go see the Harlequin.  Then, Capt. van Wynter keeps telling me the Freeblade Knight is ready to fight.  I was technically able to complete the missions, but each time I return to the ship, it's the same.  Now I am unable to proceed with The Visceram Prophecy because trying to talk to the Magos Biologis only plays van Wynter's message that the Freeblade Knight is ready to fight.  
1 year 177 days ago
Hey there, I fixed a couple issues I found in our systems with some of your characters, you should be good to progress now. Could you please check whenever you've got the time and confirm so? Cheers!