Tech-Adept Data-flux bug



I think I found a bug with the tech-adept, as soon as I summon my second construct group my data-flux stops regenerating, although in my character stats it shows I've got +4 regen/sec.

It's pretty annoying cause I can't replace the loss of a member of the group until they're all dead. Is there a limit I'm not aware of ?

Thanks for your help,


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Tech-Adept Data-flux bug
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5 years 89 days ago
Thank you for your reply,

I checked by switching my game in english and indeed the description of that perk is wholly different in french.

As the translation only mentions a damage bonus for every summoned construct... strange.

Thanks again, now i'll pick another perk !

5 years 90 days ago
As we checked your character we found that you use the Skitarii Neurosync perk which has its side effect: -1.5 Data Flux Regeneration for every summoned construct. This is why you have no Flux regeneration if you use it with such a build. 
5 years 92 days ago

My account name is the same as here, as I linked my account, so it's ' Reasorn '. 

Thanks for your fast answer! 

Let me know if you need anything else. 

5 years 93 days ago

We would like to check your character, could you tell us your account name?