Archeotech Inoculator - can't get an enchant



So I got this archeotech Inoculator to drop twice (x% miss chance when shocked) . One was a crappy 3-star, but I kept it to remember it's there. It also dropped with the +x% damage to slowed / shocked on a minor star. 

I got it to drop again, this time with 5 stars (yay!), 4 major and 1 minor. Not perfect, but great. 

I've spent 100s of machinegod sparks and millions of credits trying to reroll the minor star into the +x% damage. I know it exists as another one dropped naturally with it. But after spending every material and credit I have accumulated throughout months of play, it did not show up.on any reroll. 

Seems to me it's a bug. The item was rolling only the standard inoculator enchants... Nothing from the special pool possible for this archeotech one. 

Can you please check? So at least I won't be wasting more materials on rerolling archeotech enchants from special, dedicated enchant pools. 


This post was edited 5 years 94 days ago by Daedrael
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Archeotech Inoculator - can't get an enchant
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5 years 88 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 89 days ago
I will check this and will get back to you! 

Side note: I checked your account and found a minor issue on your Crusader - I assume you also noticed - Ragna got an exclamation mark above her head.
I compensated some of your loss!

Thank you for both things!  :) Looking forward to investigation results :) 
5 years 89 days ago
I will check this and will get back to you! 

Side note: I checked your account and found a minor issue on your Crusader - I assume you also noticed - Ragna got an exclamation mark above her head.
I compensated some of your loss!