PS4 Unplayable FPS and lighting glitches


I havent seen any posts about it, so. I have a regular ps4 and this fps problem makes the game unplayable, when the screen is swarming with enemies i get 15 fps and a slideshow, this also happens in heavy scenes like the tank mission. The biggest slideshow was when battling the bosses with closterheim, before choosing morality, i thought it was 10-15 fps on the eye. And on top of that i get flickering lights in the game constantly (Like squares on the floor flicker black for a second) Every other game seems fine (rdr 2 and spiderman for example) so i guess its the problem of the game itself. Recently fixed Vipers Nest gave me a slideshow too, so i stopped playing at all. Am i the only one with these problems?

This post was edited 6 years 117 days ago by CorpseOnTheThrone
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PS4 Unplayable FPS and lighting glitches
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6 years 87 days ago

Slim ps4 here not pro

Game does get very choppy when a lot of action is taking place on screen

Not giving up on this game yet! i bought season pass even after knowing all the problems . Keep pushing dev team

6 years 89 days ago
The theme goes up as the 1.08 patch did nothing to the optimization. Looking forward to hear your thoughts fellow regular ps4 users.
6 years 115 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 6 years 116 days ago
Further performance improvements will certainly come with every upcoming patches so hopefully the number of such bugs will come close to zero eventually! 
It's about time !!!
6 years 115 days ago
yeah the game is barely playable when there is lots of enemies on the screen, i dont see myself doing warzones with hundreds of enemies on screen if its unplayable during a campaign mission....
6 years 116 days ago
I hope the devs see this and actually do smth about it, i want to actually play the game i paid for.
6 years 116 days ago
Further performance improvements will certainly come with every upcoming patches so hopefully the number of such bugs will come close to zero eventually! 
6 years 116 days ago
It was every since i bought this game, Im using regular PS4 , not PRO, if it helps its FAT, not slim. Lighting bugs were always there the most notable flickering is on the command bridge right after you load it and the fps drops were always a thing too but not to the slideshow level. I got to missions with massive amount of enemies on the screen only recently so i dont think it depends on the update.
6 years 116 days ago

May I ask do you experience these issues mostly since the latest update or it was a general experience? Are you using PS4 or PS4 Pro?

6 years 116 days ago
yeah, im playing on a ps4 pro and have the same issues. its incredibly choppy. when my character stands still i'll look at the floor and there's all kinds of spots flickering. i can't believe they have new dlc's coming out and this subject hasn't been taken care of. i'm not buying any add-ons. if they can't take care of the base of the game by now....pretty much tells u how things are going to end up. 
6 years 116 days ago
im in the same boat, its almost unplayable