Disappearing debuffs


Faced another bug recently:

Whenever your character knocked back OR knocked out, ALL enemies lose all their debuffs. Happened to me with Bullgryn after their Slam attack on the ground and Ogryn Enforcer (they have close range single shotgun shot which knock your character back if you are in yellow suppression zone).

1st screenshot: i make a hit, Enforcer has 11 vulnerabilities

2nd screenshot: literally 3 secs later (which is not enough for debuffs to dissappear that quickly) character experience knockback and debuffs are gone

This post was edited 6 years 72 days ago by sunlix
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Disappearing debuffs
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6 years 71 days ago
You could have started Tarot mission with a specific minor card (i dont demember the name) which rewards you with glory booster, but the requirement is that enemies do not suffer less than 100 damage. basically, with this card "eye of terror" missions couldn't be done, im not sure about "insane" difficulty. provided that they dont suffer less than 100 damage, debuffs are not applied too!
6 years 71 days ago

I have the same problem with my spyker but I have another one.
Yesterday I made 4 dificult tarot "insane". I did not manage to put a debuff once. The enemies were mostly dark eldar. 

Is this normal?

6 years 71 days ago
Thank you we will check on this! 
6 years 72 days ago
Added screenshots and edited text after further testing