Inoculator setup can't be changed


PSN-ID: haGrOck

Character Name: Valeria

Metrodora Thelema has a green exclamation mark that doesn't disappear when I talk to her. When I talk to her a second time to change my inoculator setup nothing happens - I can't enter the inoculator setup menu.

Ragna van Wynter also has a green exclamation mark that doesn't disappear.

Store Page
Inoculator setup can't be changed
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2 years 84 days ago
All issues registered, fixes coming soon!
2 years 85 days ago
Now my Crusader has the same issue. Metrodora Thelema shows a green notification above her head for a campaign mission I've already finished and the inoculator setup is not accessible.

Character Name: Briareos

I can't play the game if this happens almost EVERY DAY!!! 

Fix this NOW please! :/