Hotfix for Inquisitor - v2.7.1b | Dec 15


Updates to W40K: Inquisitor have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted.

Patch v2.7.1c


  • Fixed an issue where a player could make a "Skip Campaign" character when not eligible to do so
  • Fixed an issue where the Create Character button was not working in the Seasonal window
  • Fixed an issue where the equipped Inoculator's components were randomly changed after a mission
  • Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to apply changes with a controller in the Appearance window
  • Fixed an issue where the player could mark consumable items as favourite with a controller in the Crafting window
  • Fixed an issue where the seasonal UI was not appearing correctly in the Unholy Cathedral
  • Fixed an issue where the minimap icons of the Harbingers and Bosses were overlapped by other enemies


  • Reduced the Nurgle Harbinger Aura's Heal effect from 5% to 2% per second
  • Harbingers now instantly summon horde enemies upon loading into a mission


  • Added missing localisations
This post was modified 2 years 30 days ago by Marcopolocs
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Hotfix for Inquisitor - v2.7.1b | Dec 15
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2 years 55 days ago
Any word on when consoles is going to get a new season?  It's been quite awhile since we've even have had any season active