German Translation


The translation for charackter names and chapters are correkt, but i think ist not good.

You have that Cadius Thorn, the Space Marine from the Stormwatchers.

Its korrekt translation that he is „cadius dorn“ from the „sturmwächter“ but it sounds absolute wrong,

when i read novelles from warhammer than you have there „imperial fists“ and not „imperiale Fäuste“ it sounds wrong

we have the inquisitor „klosterheim“ that is an german word and in the englisch version of martyr he is „Klosterheim“ and not „Monasteryhome“

you understand what i mean?

Sorry form y bad english :D

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German Translation
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6 years 254 days ago

Please write an email to [email protected] 

We would like to fix these wrong translations so if you could attach some examples that would be very useful! 

Thank you!

6 years 254 days ago

Beim Punkt Cadius Thorn kann ich nicht zustimmen, da es sich um einen Namen handelt. Er würde also auch im deutschen Cadius Thorn heissen. Die Schauspielerin Blake Livley würde im deutschen auch nicht Blake Lebhaft heissen. Bei Stormwatchers wäre es strittig, da es sich ebenfalls um den Namen handelt, das allerdings keine Person ist. 


For the fact on Cadius Thron I can't agree, bc that is a name. So in german the name would still be translated into Cadius Thorn. For Example the actress Blake Livley isn't called Blake Lebhaft in german. The stormwatchers would be a different aspect, because we don't talk about a person so I think you could change it there.

Greetings, Desaroth

6 years 254 days ago
Also, the german translation in some texts (mostly in journal) is really bad translated...its like someone translated it who just learned german...the grammar is sometimes more than wrong... maybe you should check the german texts again =/

yesterday i also had some english texts (i play in german) was in chapter 3...end of the Van Wynter-Arc

6 years 255 days ago

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