destructible environments and limb dismemberment???


is it me or the destruction of environments in this game lacking they don't seem to show any sigh of damage and when they are destroyed they just disappear and there is no limb dismemberment on consoles. is there any others who noticed this on consoles?

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destructible environments and limb dismemberment???
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6 years 121 days ago
Posted by maledicus 6 years 122 days ago

IMHO season1 changed something about the destructible environment. While doing damage to structures you now see how they slowly get destroyed in different stages and alot of rubble is flying through the air. I cant tell if this is exactly what some ppl wanted, but it is now there and looks very different from what we had before.

The Emperor protects!

Have to quote myself.

Its strange, i've clearly seen destructible environment as i described while playing my crusader. Started a new psyker and it seems there is a difference between destructible environments. Some disappear like before, now i'm unsure how much or if something really changed.

I need to test this again.

Best regards.

6 years 122 days ago
Posted by NeonSamurai1979 6 years 122 days ago

Any infos regarding this issue yet ?

IMHO season1 changed something about the destructible environment. While doing damage to structures you now see how they slowly get destroyed in different stages and alot of rubble is flying through the air. I cant tell if this is exactly what some ppl wanted, but it is now there and looks very different from what we had before.

The Emperor protects!

6 years 122 days ago

Any infos regarding this issue yet ?

6 years 189 days ago
Posted by Hellbent 6 years 189 days ago
This is what bothers me most.  Also I’m worried they are just gonna give up on console and leave it as is. 

If they were to do that this would turn this whole mess into a crime and I would seriously consider going to court to get my money back. At least in my country it most certainly is illegal to advertise with features the game won't even have (and furthermore have the nerve to show them in the gameplay trailer). I will most certainly not let myself get f*cked over. I paid 80€ for the Imperium Edition, most certainly not to get a castrated game with no intention of them to fix it. That would effectively turn this into a crime on their part

6 years 189 days ago
I spoken to them they said an update will be out latest middle next week but they couldn’t give me the details
6 years 189 days ago
Posted by Leman 6 years 189 days ago

Well I dont think they have intentionally castrated the console version. If destructible environments were broken per se If they had been dysfunctional they would not have been able to show off destructible environment in the console trailer either (unless they just fed us the PC version but that would almost be a reason to go to court, so I doubt that at least). 

Personally I believe the console version was simply rushed out of the door before it was ready,  and that the game is actually still beta,  sold at retail price (great business practice if that is the case). You can deduce that from the roadmap, all the things the devs have stated still requires fixing (post release I might add), the sloppy tutorial (to control AI allies press F..... ummmm yea, feels like they just copy/pasted the tutorial from the PC version), etc. 

Also, something some of you may be unaware of: Every patch released for Xbox needs to be approved by Microsoft first. So even if they had the patch adding the destructible environment ready to go they would still need to wait for Microsoft to approve it. 

So what actually pisses me off the most at this point is the absolute radio silence. These are the official forums and apart from some general posts there has been zero reaction from the devs to any of our posts. Personally speaking I feel like I'm talking to a brick right now. Have they noticed they have angered the majority of the player base? Are they even reading this? Are they working on it? How can we know if they choose to leave us in the dark. I mean they must add it or the game is essentially broken.

But to get all super optimistic: They do not respond because they spend 100% on implementing the missing features (I sincerely hope that that is the reason).... Or maybe we need a russian native speaker ;) as none of them speaks English and these forums are just for show. They obviously do not even have a community manager

This is what bothers me most.  Also I’m worried they are just gonna give up on console and leave it as is. 
6 years 189 days ago
Posted by viper234 6 years 189 days ago

I have hope in this game but it’s been over a week since this post was made and the developers haven’t said a word to any of us they need to give it to us straight in case we are hoping for something they can’t or won’t do.

Well I dont think they have intentionally castrated the console version. If destructible environments were broken per se If they had been dysfunctional they would not have been able to show off destructible environment in the console trailer either (unless they just fed us the PC version but that would almost be a reason to go to court, so I doubt that at least). 

Personally I believe the console version was simply rushed out of the door before it was ready,  and that the game is actually still beta,  sold at retail price (great business practice if that is the case). You can deduce that from the roadmap, all the things the devs have stated still requires fixing (post release I might add), the sloppy tutorial (to control AI allies press F..... ummmm yea, feels like they just copy/pasted the tutorial from the PC version), etc. 

Also, something some of you may be unaware of: Every patch released for Xbox needs to be approved by Microsoft first. So even if they had the patch adding the destructible environment ready to go they would still need to wait for Microsoft to approve it. 

So what actually pisses me off the most at this point is the absolute radio silence. These are the official forums and apart from some general posts there has been zero reaction from the devs to any of our posts. Personally speaking I feel like I'm talking to a brick right now. Have they noticed they have angered the majority of the player base? Are they even reading this? Are they working on it? How can we know if they choose to leave us in the dark. I mean they must add it or the game is essentially broken.

But to get all super optimistic: They do not respond because they spend 100% on implementing the missing features (I sincerely hope that that is the reason).... Or maybe we need a russian native speaker ;) as none of them speaks English and these forums are just for show. They obviously do not even have a community manager

6 years 189 days ago
This game has

• really bad controls and I mean stupidly bad

• animations missing for executions 

• bad clipping for destroyed cover 

• lack of destructible cover physics 

• I spoken to a developer in the contact us part and they mentioned they are not implementing limb dismemberment 

• visual pop ins on the environment

• my power armour and some weapons seem to only lock onto my character making rocket salvo and moves such as this really annoying as they don’t work 

Am I missing anything??

6 years 189 days ago

I have hope in this game but it’s been over a week since this post was made and the developers haven’t said a word to any of us they need to give it to us straight in case we are hoping for something they can’t or won’t do.

6 years 189 days ago

It is not merely cosmetic. I have pointed out an issue with large cover than once destroyed becomes invisible walls on console version, this is due to the fact that indeed on PC version although destroyed the ruins of the cover are still visible (and block movement) in the game map.

It seems that the decaying cover system has been brutally ripped off on the console version without proper testing the impact on gameplay, however I'm still positive that it will be re-implemented with a future game patch.

This comment was edited 6 years 189 days ago by R6Krycek
6 years 189 days ago
I would like to see these features too, but first of all this game needs more patches to get everything else working smooth. Seems like the console development team isn't to firm with PS4/XONE. Else there wouldnt be that much hassle in performance and features. But I have faith in Neocore... hope it pays out... ;)
6 years 189 days ago
Well this all seems like the console versions are just cash grabs and all we have done is paid for the basic build of the game
6 years 190 days ago
Posted by viper234 6 years 190 days ago
I feel like a lot of people will agree with me just put these features in the game or give us a good reason why as we all feel lied to and it’s really disappointing. 

you know the real fun part is that if you go to the tutorial section they even write there that most of the environment is destructible. That's why I wrote in another thead that they just threw a half finished beta at us and charged full price. Nicely done. Just look at their roadmap and "to do list. Why is it so long if the game was finished and polished?  It really does not take a genius to arrive at that conclusion just by looking at that list alone (i.e. that the console version was by no means finished when they threw it on the market)

This comment was edited 6 years 190 days ago by Leman
6 years 190 days ago

I have basically written this exact same post in another thread 2 minutes ago in the vain hope that a dev will ever read this. I want to adress the people who pretend that the missing destructible environment is just a cosmetic problem and hardly game breaking. I disagree. The explanation will take some time so grab a cup of coffee :P. Please do allow me to elaborate:

It simply is *not* just a cosmetic issue. It also limits my ability to adapt to certain combat scenarios. Just think about it for a moment: I decided to play a melee crusader. Melee crusaders have the option to equip a "storm shield", which - in theory - would allow to quickly close in on the enemy (in a dash forward move): Firstly, you will not dispute the fact that - with only melee weapons equipped - I am at an undeniable disadvantage against enemies with ranged weapons until I can actually attack them, as I first have to close the gap before I can even engage, while they can open up as soon as I come into weapons range.

And secondly please do consider for a moment that I am supposedly wearing power armor, which would theoretically allow me (if the game had the features the devs promised it would have) to even smash through walls. Now you can argue that I am not a Space Marine. On the other hand though I have killed enough space marines in Martyr to feel confident enough to say that obviously my melee crusader is on par with them. This also implies that boh my armor and weapons must be on par with theirs.

Having said that, closing the gap in a dash-like move (when equipping the aforementioned storm shield) sounds nice in theory. But in order for it to effectively work this would require the game to actually have destructible environment we have been fencing words over..... Scenario: I see a group of enemies: I target the chaos marine in the middle of the group as I consider him the biggest threat and want to dispose him first. I target him, hit "dash forward" to engage and am stopped by........ a lone tin barrel which I overlooked.

Let it melt on your tongue: A melee crusader in power armor rushing forward is stopped by a small tin barrel as if he ran into a 3m concrete wall. In other words: It takes the incentive away to even equip a storm shield at this point, even if it has better stats, as - personally speaking - I dont want to play the game with a calculator to ascertain the right angle, just so I can pull off my attack without running into indestructible pipes or tiny objects. For if that happens this takes all advantage I might have had away from me and the enemy can open up on me freely while I again clumsily move around an obstacle that does not even reach my crusader's knees.

If the game was actually finished I should be able to simply smash through laughable objects such as these mighty tin barrel or the occasional metal pipe - as my character probably weighs around 300-500 kilogram in power armor (this is the part where the nerds can jump in and tell me how much average power armor weighs :P). Do you see where I am going with this? Sometimes I did not even see the obstacle. I dashed into..... something. I have therefore given up on the storm shield until they implement the feature. So apart from the cosmetic issue (and the fact that even the ingame tutorial boasts that most of the environment is destructible) it also takes tactical options away from me which would allow me to alter my playstyle (=lack of variety) or adapt to certain combat scenarios, etc. Nuf said I believe. I see I have written a novel again

6 years 190 days ago
I feel like a lot of people will agree with me just put these features in the game or give us a good reason why as we all feel lied to and it’s really disappointing. 
6 years 191 days ago
Posted by Detrimus 6 years 191 days ago
Everyone needs to upvote this thread.  
6 years 191 days ago
Everyone needs to upvote this thread.  
6 years 191 days ago
Posted by Leman 6 years 192 days ago
Are you a dev? If so I will gladly provide you with a short footage on Xbox One X disproving your claim. I would also like to add that you have completely ignored the dismemberment you even showcased for consoles. If the differences between console and PC version are "intentional" I wonder why neocore game showcased this prior to your release. But go ahead. Give me a way to directly get in touch with neocore and I will gladly  prove (by showing you) that there is neither "fully destructible environment" nor any noteworthy dismemberment.. and I am talking about Xbox One X here, which supposedly was supposed to have "improvements" over the base game. What and where exactly are these "improvements"? I have not noticed anything apart from slightly improved display resolution. Even Diablo 3 does a better job at providing (at least partially) destructible environment and flying limbs... And this is a game released several years ago. And you are telling me now you cannot even get to the same level of environmental destruction / ragdoll effects than a game that is 5 years old? If that is so this honestly leaves me speechless
Agreed.  I’m ready for a real dev to respond woth how they falsely advertised the game.  Refunds should be given out if nothing is going to be changed. 
6 years 192 days ago
Posted by Fenri69 6 years 197 days ago

Exactly what I wandered also, I have the game on PC and even on lowest setings the pillars will get smashed in explosions and firefight in to pieces, but on X1X there is literaly zero destruction apart of destructable explosives containers. Wondering if they disabled it because there was problems with it on consoles. I hope we will see this on consoles eneabled in future because it looks very nice and more realistic. Hopefully some of devs will comment on this subject.

quoted for truth
6 years 192 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 6 years 193 days ago

The environment is destructible and as we tested several times there is no problem with it.
Please, if possible, give me a short footage if you encounter this issue, we will definitely check on the matter.

The PC destruction differs from the console one, this was intentional.

Are you a dev? If so I will gladly provide you with a short footage on Xbox One X disproving your claim. I would also like to add that you have completely ignored the dismemberment you even showcased for consoles. If the differences between console and PC version are "intentional" I wonder why neocore game showcased this prior to your release. But go ahead. Give me a way to directly get in touch with neocore and I will gladly  prove (by showing you) that there is neither "fully destructible environment" nor any noteworthy dismemberment.. and I am talking about Xbox One X here, which supposedly was supposed to have "improvements" over the base game. What and where exactly are these "improvements"? I have not noticed anything apart from slightly improved display resolution. Even Diablo 3 does a better job at providing (at least partially) destructible environment and flying limbs... And this is a game released several years ago. And you are telling me now you cannot even get to the same level of environmental destruction / ragdoll effects than a game that is 5 years old? If that is so this honestly leaves me speechless
6 years 192 days ago

Does anyone know how to bring all this up to the developers as I feel are voices are not being heard.

6 years 192 days ago

I would also very much like to know what happened to it. I mean enemies eviscerate there is a shower of gore and blood pooling everywhere. So its definetly not a problem with censorship. But I too wonder why  main features the devs were even advertising with ("fully destructible environments", etc) are now suddenly not in the game - especially considering that they did show them in the game trailer for consoles (as seen in the video another user posted in this thread). But as I can already tell from the number of posts and the complete radio silence from the devs communication is not their strong point. I understand disappearing enemies (most games do that) but on the Xbox one X - which supposedly has improved features over the regular Xbox One - I would at least have expected the promised features, especially the game does not even run in UHD when in "quality mode". The graphics are not notably better than Diablo 3, and when a 5 year old game such as Diablo 3 can pull dismemberments off I am sure that a 2018 game such as Martyr should be more than capable of truly flexing its muscles here.

I am particularly disappointed as I bought the Imperium Edition for a whopping 79,9€ for my Xbox One X console. I also compiled a bug list yesterday which was never placed online (despite the confirmation that my post had been published). So either this is a case of active censorship (as in: the devs dont like criticism which would also explain the complete silence) or the mods need to approve every post and are super slow at it. So yea dear developers: Where are all the features you showcased - also for the console versions? Or are they part of the mysterious console patch I read about in an official post (or has that been implemented already? The post was 10 days old already when I read it)?.

Could a dev please bother to comment?

6 years 192 days ago
6 years 192 days ago
I would also like to see ragdoll animations for enemies deaths.
6 years 193 days ago
I would also like clarification on limb dismemberment as I was so looking forward to blowing off arms and crippling legs but on he Xbox version there isn’t a sign of it. On another note has anyone else had problems with executions on standard enemies they just stand there with no animations or any dismemberment making the one feature in he game useless and looks so unfinished 
6 years 193 days ago
Hi im disappointed aswell it is virtually Impossible to find anything on that topic i bought thus Game because of These Features especially limb dismemberment and There was no way i could find Out that they we're simply Not in the console Version 

At least make an Official Statement why 

6 years 193 days ago
Posted by R6Krycek 6 years 193 days ago
Thanks, indeed the covers are destructible, however I (and many other I suppose) tought that, as for the PC version, the cover will slowly crumble and shows the effects of the firefight instead of simply disappears. There is a possibility that in the future the same destructibilty will be implemented on console versions as well? 
Yes, this exactly.  Is the crumbling and decay of environment coming to console?  Right now barriers just disappear suddenly.
6 years 193 days ago
Thanks, indeed the covers are destructible, however I (and many other I suppose) tought that, as for the PC version, the cover will slowly crumble and shows the effects of the firefight instead of simply disappears. There is a possibility that in the future the same destructibilty will be implemented on console versions as well? 
6 years 193 days ago

The environment is destructible and as we tested several times there is no problem with it.
Please, if possible, give me a short footage if you encounter this issue, we will definitely check on the matter.

The PC destruction differs from the console one, this was intentional.

6 years 193 days ago
Could one of the devs respond to this?  Is there a bug preventing destruction from retail PS4 game and isuses with Xbox version? 
6 years 193 days ago
i'm also confused. i'm on xbox and i have destructible environments, in fact i'm having an issue where the game still reads that there's an object there, even though it's been blown away, and won't let me pass over the space.
6 years 193 days ago

I'm so confused now.  They had a live stream a week ago, showing PS4 footage, co-op, with destructible environments.  Why is the retail version not having destruction?  wtf.

This comment was edited 6 years 193 days ago by Detrimus
6 years 194 days ago
Well apparently if there’s enough requests to improve the destructible cover they will look into it
6 years 194 days ago
Yeah the lack of destructible environments on consoles really sucks.  They also need to increase all text size by at least 200%>
6 years 196 days ago

My mistake didn’t mean to get it mixed up I’m just annoyed and I’m sure a few people here are too that content is missing and the developers haven’t said anything to the console community about it 

6 years 196 days ago
It really wasn’t additional content.  This was a feature that was supposed to be in the game during launch. 
6 years 196 days ago


the covers are destructible as of now, you can destroy them. Limb dismemberment may will be a case in the future but as of now we are not planning to implement it. 

That’s what I got from one of a neocore staff members so at least we have information on the topic

6 years 196 days ago
Maybe they will start mentioning that topic after they finally fully optimise the game for consoles I feel it’s stupid to start adding additional content if the game doesn’t have its standard content 
6 years 196 days ago
That would kill the games framerate even more. It would be nice of course, but as it is for now, there is a lot of optimization needed first - can only speak for PS4.
6 years 196 days ago

I’m curious to know what the devs have to say about this missing feature.   Also off topic,  does anyone know if console already has season 1 or has it been mentioned when we would get it? 

6 years 197 days ago

This is the trailer that made me settle on getting this game but non of it is in th console versions I feel bad as this is the trailer I showed my friends about the game and I feel like I lied to them abit if that makes sense...

6 years 197 days ago
I have noticed this as well, the covers should lost parts and be partially destructed, but they simply disappears once HP reach zero.
6 years 197 days ago

Exactly what I wandered also, I have the game on PC and even on lowest setings the pillars will get smashed in explosions and firefight in to pieces, but on X1X there is literaly zero destruction apart of destructable explosives containers. Wondering if they disabled it because there was problems with it on consoles. I hope we will see this on consoles eneabled in future because it looks very nice and more realistic. Hopefully some of devs will comment on this subject.

This comment was edited 6 years 197 days ago by Fenri69
6 years 197 days ago
I’m glad I’m not the only one with this problem I’m hoping the developers will give us some information on this soon especially since this feature was heavily advertised 
6 years 197 days ago

For the people wondering what we are talking about. It doesnt show the dismemberment but it shows the destructive enviroment

6 years 197 days ago
Hello, I noticed that issue also, playing on PS4 Pro tried the 1080p and the 1440p Quality mode.

6 years 197 days ago
Yeah i have noticed this as well.. Since its One of the features of the game i have No clue why its not there
6 years 198 days ago
yeah, I've noticed this too.
6 years 198 days ago
Maybe the developers just need time to tweak these features for the console systems but I tried finding info on this but i can’t find anything on the subjects
6 years 198 days ago
I remember reading something like “pillars will fall”.  I destroyed a pillar and it just disappeared.  So yeah....I feel that part is lacking.