Co-op Chapter 2: Magos Biologis


So I'm playing the Co-OP campaign with my Wife, everything is going fine, we're both getting into the story and enjoying killing hordes of bad guys together... Then, we try to find this chick...

It started out great, but at the end of the mission on ALL 3 planets. Whoever started the cinematic, goes through the talking. But the other player is stuck walking in place as the conversation between the character and the Captain happens. Then at the end, we're both stuck. The mission won't end, none of the buttons work and we have to go back to the home screen and close the whole process to get it to stop. We've tried waiting for 10 minutes as well... Nothing works and we can't continue. 

This game is fantastic and the story is intriguing, but we started playing again to play TOGETHER... Please fix this Neocore-Peoples... Thank you. 

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Co-op Chapter 2: Magos Biologis
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5 years 4 days ago
Thank you sincerely for responding. I really do appreciate it. I also would like to thank you for telling me what hours you are available. As I understand it, this company is not very big. So it would be impossible to provide the tech support that bigger companies do. So I appreciate the response. 

Next time I will be sure to add my Gamertag and Character name.
5 years 4 days ago
Sorry for the late reply.

We are available usually between 10 AM - 5 PM (CET).
Glad to hear you could get past the point in the story where you could not proceed together with your wife. In case there is any issue in the game just contact us and we will try to reply as quickly as possible. In such cases also please share your PSNs and characters' names so we can easily identify your account and the character.

5 years 4 days ago
Nevermind Neocore-Peoples! 

After over 2 hours of waiting for some kind of technical response from you or any response at all...

My Wife and I grudgingly decided to do that one mission separate and then I jumped into her game after we were both done... But the experience was definitely a bit of a disappointment. I understand that these forums are filled with people who need assistance, but some of us don't have very often to play these games with friends. I do because I am a stay-at-home father who also works from home. But my Wife works fulltime, gaming is how we bond, vent stress and have fun together a lot of the time. So to run into this issue was definitely more stressful than stress relieving. 

However, with that said, we both greatly enjoy this game, the story and all the cool things that we can do. I don't mean to say that you're not doing your job in any way, just that I wish this greatly enjoyable game wasn't so riddled with bugs and lag at times and that when it is, I wish we could get better support, hot-fixes and patches for those things. Being as it is that we try our best to be avid gamers. 

I do apologize if any of that came out insulting or rude. I just wanted to be able to give some feedback on the forums.