Character keep freezing


My character keeps freezing while I play. The camera still moves but I can't do anything but get swamped by filthy heritage. Not very playable when you keep getting killed because you can't move.

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Character keep freezing
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3 years 68 days ago
Our dev team looked into the problem but no abnormalities were found on your account. Your character was copied as well but we could play without any issue for 2 missions straight.

Could you please try a different character and check if the problem appears? If no, then we will provide you a brand new character with the same level and other things.

3 years 83 days ago



Not sure

Within the past 3 months 

3 years 86 days ago

I would have some questions about the problem. Please reply back when you have some time.

1. On what platform are you playing?

2. Do you experience this on Co-Op, solo or both?

3. How regularly? Every few seconds/minutes?

4. Any pattern you might found?

5. When did you first notice it? After the Season merge (in case of PC) or even before that?