Another broken warzone mission


The last mortar before the command bunker wouldn't activate on pressing "F" - the prompt was there but on pressing, my crusader walked to the activate spot then nothing happened.

I searched the map and killed everything just in case but no joy.

Obviously as the mission was uncompletable I had to abort it.  This reset me down a full 10 warzone missions rather than just back to the start of the current warzone, though this was the first mission in the 70 warzone.  I now have to do all the 65s again to get back to it.

Is that  level of reset intended?

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Another broken warzone mission
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5 years 235 days ago
I've already replayed the 65s and got a different set of 70s than before so I've got myself unstuck.

Character's name is Kellan on this account if it helps though.

5 years 235 days ago
Could you please tell us your account and character names? We will look into the case!
5 years 235 days ago

from the patchnotes:

"Failing a Warzone mission group will result in having to start that block of 10 missions over."

So you should only be get back to start of your current warzone, not getting a setback of a full already completed previous one.

Maybe this happend because it was the first one and its resetting 10 Warzones regardless where you are.

This i would consider beeing a bug. You should have a "save" on your current WZ so that you cant "move back" into a lower bracket.