Xbox Neocore Servers


I have not been able to play today as when I try to Press Any Button to start, I get an error stating that it can't connect to the Neocore servers, Please try again later. I was playing last at  12:30 am, -5 GMT, EST.

I am not experiencing any other connectivity issues, and have been able to stream, download games and play other titles. Thank you.

Gamertag: oldpunksdontdie

LVL 51 Crusader

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Xbox Neocore Servers
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4 years 220 days ago
We are working together with our backend provider to avert the technical issue. Our apologize, we will try to get this handled within a couple of hours.
4 years 220 days ago
Still down on Xbox One. 

'Cannot connect to the Neocore Servers. Please try again later.'

Guess going Games with Gold broke their stuff. 

4 years 221 days ago
Ahhh so im nor the only one. Just finish the martyr campaign and bought the prophecy to play the new campaign. Then cannot connect to server.
4 years 221 days ago
PS4 servers also seem to have gone down around 3:40pmEST
4 years 221 days ago
Same here i tried playing about 4 hours ago and tried over an hour period. Twice in the last week.