[xbox] Intel Missions badly broken


Hey neocore

You guys may be aware of this issue but as i saw nothing in the forums on it i thought id report it

Those harder random missions you get from the random drop called "intel" (a cool idea btw, very immersive) dont really work. Ive used intels several times now and only one worked (let me load in and attempt) every other time it crashed to the desktop. This is a damn shame as ive been hungering for some harder content. 

Ive tried it three times and 2 of them are now stuck on my world map and wont go away or let me in, ive tried at least 4 times on each and crash out each time.

My gamertag is dr bamf phd mmt and the char is my psyker main lucien helonas, if you wanna check it out on your end. Strangely, i got one that did work (only reason i tried it a 3rd time) but i got my butt kicked and it dissapeared (i assume as intended)

Oh and one more thing, the "cheating death" heroic deed that unlocks the damage over time skill tree doesnt seem to be updating, its stuck at 14. Ive destroyed tons of mines and skulls, ive checked the progress before and after every mission since i noticed it being stuck and it never goes up when i destroy any skulls, mines or trap chest turrets, please fix that, i use DOT a fair bit

This post was edited 5 years 129 days ago by Dr BAMF PhD MMT
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[xbox] Intel Missions badly broken
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5 years 127 days ago
Another typo bug, i got a relic pyrokinetic staff with the relic enchant "stunned enemies explode on kill dealing 810% area damage...", the full text is too big to fit in the box for the modify tab, so it takes the remaing text and prints it over top of the earlier text starting at the beginning, making the whole box an illegible mess. Its a bit odd as usually text that exceeds the box size is just cut off. On a related note, alot of longer enchants get cut off in the roll values tab, this usually doesnt matter as you know whats there from the item itself, but with relic enchants it occasionally prevents you from seeing what the value ranges are. May i humbly suggest that you implement an automatic timed scroll for the modify tab and any other text box where manual scrolling is not possible? 
5 years 127 days ago
Another typo bug, any item with an enchant that inflences "dodge" whether ranged, melee or what have you, in the crafter screens modify tab the word dodge will read as "{deflect}"
5 years 127 days ago
Another minor bug to report, the vulnerability stacks generated by the morphia innoculator are reported on the pause screen buff/debuff description as "innoculator.morphia__negative.name", it also lacks a stack number and wears off all at once rather than stack by stack (may be as intended given the difference from other vulnerability stacks). Also the timer that lists the time remaining for each effect to its left, for the morphia debuff it lacks an "s" (instead of "10s" like the others it reads "10") and strangest of all, it appears to count UP rather than down (instead of time remaining as others have, it counts the time elapsed). It seems to work though, it just displays wrong in virtually every possible way.

5 years 127 days ago
Thx for the warning, bruv. Ill make sure to wait. The cut scene i mentioned is prob differentho, i waited a good 5 minutes and nothing happened either time i tried, although the part where the door opens and my psyker walks up plays, nothing happens after
5 years 127 days ago
SERIOUSLY!? Jesus, ive been watching carefully to keepfrom setting them off this whole time. Ugh, you should change it to "traps survived" rather than "dealt with" , its still generic and confusing but its at least a little clearer. You could at least describe it better in the heroic deeds menu.

Also the intel bug seems to have spread to uthers tarot. Normally tarot works great for me, i load up every rand mission i do with them but today one became a crash to desktop landmine. It was a plague van guard assassination, i put the cards pure, execution and superstition on it and the map preview picture was gone when i closed the tarot screen. Everytime i try to start it it crashes to the home screen. Please put out the fix for this and the intel bug asap pls thx

5 years 128 days ago
Posted by Dr BAMF PhD MMT 5 years 129 days ago
Another bug i just discovered. At the end of "blood soaked monolith" mission in the "the enemy below" investigation theres a cutscene where you go though a door and see 2 chaos marines. I assume something is supposed to happen here but it doesnt. Sinax the voidcaller just walks against his buddy every few seconds and the cutscene runs indefintely. I sat for 5 minutes waiting then skipped the cutscene and restarted the mission. The second time he just stood there doing and saying nothing untill i skipped the cutscene. Its bugs like this that really bother me, as i really enjoy the story and i dont like missing what is probably the most important conversation in the whole investigation! 

I was able to kill him, and he did drop his clue that told me what he was up to, which allowed me to complete the mission and the investigation, but id really have liked to know what he was gonna say. 

Yeah, I reported this the other day. Be aware that in the Drukhari investigation there are a couple of cutscenes that take 10-20 seconds to start the dialogue but it does start. Just fyi so you don't skip them unnecessarily.

5 years 128 days ago

Yes, we are aware of this crash problem, it got fixed already, a patch is on the way.
The Heroic Deed counts not the destroys but the number of times you activated and survived their attack.

We will run some tests in the mentioned investigation. Thanks for the report!

5 years 129 days ago
Another bug i just discovered. At the end of "blood soaked monolith" mission in the "the enemy below" investigation theres a cutscene where you go though a door and see 2 chaos marines. I assume something is supposed to happen here but it doesnt. Sinax the voidcaller just walks against his buddy every few seconds and the cutscene runs indefintely. I sat for 5 minutes waiting then skipped the cutscene and restarted the mission. The second time he just stood there doing and saying nothing untill i skipped the cutscene. Its bugs like this that really bother me, as i really enjoy the story and i dont like missing what is probably the most important conversation in the whole investigation! 

I was able to kill him, and he did drop his clue that told me what he was up to, which allowed me to complete the mission and the investigation, but id really have liked to know what he was gonna say.