Xbox game crashes


I currently have an Intel mission (Phaera System, Bahamut)  (Assassination, Korne) on my map with tarot cards active. 

The Grim Reaper level 2

Venom level 2

Perseverance level 2

And everytime I try to start the mission it crashes the game. I've had this happen with regular map missions but it didn't bother me however i finally noticed some missions with tarot cards cause a game crash. I'll start to record location, mission and cards if it continues. 

This post was edited 5 years 129 days ago by Zippo 0nline
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Xbox game crashes
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5 years 128 days ago
It's not just on Intel missions. It happens on regular Starmap Missions. 
5 years 128 days ago

The Intel missions may crash when using a Tarot card on Xbox. This is already fixed internally, a patch is on Microsoft's side to correct the problem. Estimated arrival of the patch is next week.