Where to find Ordos shops and how to get Outpost Charibdis?


I complete Prophecy story with new class(level 40 on the moment) and didn't see any shops in new sector where it takes place,but on steam forums see someone mentioned that there new Ordos shops and theire missions,so how do i get to them?

Also see Outpost Charibdis DLC mission called Haribda on astropath listing,it shows as unavailable(that i need to buy it),but i cant find it in available DLC.

P.S.Where is Klosterheim character from main story in Prophecy?If il play new story as old character, like Crusader, will it show up at some point?

This post was edited 5 years 204 days ago by Mithurion
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Where to find Ordos shops and how to get Outpost Charibdis?
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5 years 203 days ago
The Charybdis DLC will get removed, as it appeared for players accidentally.