Warp vulnerability + damage convert Psalm code doctrine


When using the Pslam code doctrine "Hermeticon Psalm + Galvanic Psalm + Iron Psalm"  (Convert 100% physical damage to warp) items which provide " (% chance) warp vulnerability upon warp damage" are not functioning.  The damage is still being treated as physical.  

However, using the perk "Dirversive tactics" which apply vulnerability to opposite elements (i.e. warp and physical upon heat damage) IS recognizing the converted damage as being warp damage and applying physical and heat vulnerability.  

These two seem to be inconsistent with each other, either the damage should be considered warp and apply warp vulnerability with the appropriate item stat - OR it should still be treated as a physical application and be functional with "Diversive tactics" inversion vulnerability. 

I do not know if this holds true with "vulnerability upon respective critical hit" but I imagine it does.  

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Warp vulnerability + damage convert Psalm code doctrine
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4 years 25 days ago

This is indeed bugged, we can confirm it. Our team will think about a proper solution. Thanks for the videos @Rigg and the report @Tinfoil !

4 years 48 days ago
Posted by Rigg 4 years 49 days ago

yes, @MARCOPOLOCS‍ , its true. i use Blood Focus skill for Warp damage. but items not detected the Warp Vulnerability. but Warp damage exists! some enemies dissolve into a Warp purple glow:

AND, if i use Ad-Hoc Subjugation perk, Warp Vulnerability is detected:

the Ecclesiarchy needs an investigation on this issue.

Thanks for confirming! 
4 years 49 days ago

yes, @MARCOPOLOCS‍ , its true. i use Blood Focus skill for Warp damage. but items not detected the Warp Vulnerability. but Warp damage exists! some enemies dissolve into a Warp purple glow:

AND, if i use Ad-Hoc Subjugation perk, Warp Vulnerability is detected:

the Ecclesiarchy needs an investigation on this issue.

4 years 50 days ago
Posted by Rigg 4 years 50 days ago

hmm.. interesting.. i think that the focus blood from radical tree is dealt the vulnerability on the enchant of the item. somehow I will check the psalm doctrine too..
how much physical damage do you have?

Oh I'm still leveling up, might have been 300 or so?

4 years 50 days ago
Posted by Tinfoil 4 years 51 days ago
I was trying a 0 crit build


hmm.. interesting.. i think that the focus blood from radical tree is dealt the vulnerability on the enchant of the item. somehow I will check the psalm doctrine too..
how much physical damage do you have?

4 years 51 days ago
Posted by Rigg 4 years 51 days ago

try take "Ad-Hoc Subjugation" perk first. if warp damage is in progress, it will be detected on critical hit.

I was trying a 0 crit build


4 years 51 days ago

try take "Ad-Hoc Subjugation" perk first. if warp damage is in progress, it will be detected on critical hit.