Veteran of battles


As the title implies, I'd like to know about that trophy. Me and my brother were playing local coop and after about 60 missions we noticed, that he didn't get the trophy. So here's the question: Is this a bug, or does he have to play online multiplayer (we understand local as multiplayer too)

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Veteran of battles
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6 years 166 days ago
Dont mind. Im stuck on the Angel of Death trophy as the bonus is never given to me.
6 years 166 days ago
Thanks! (Little bummer, as I don't like the idea of being in the mercy of people I don't know, but really wanting platinum)
6 years 166 days ago
It has to be online. The other two trophies (play one couch co-op game and revive a player 50 times) are related to local co-op.