Uther's Tomb story mission


I completed the first mission in the chain for uther's tomb. However at the end of the mission after talking to the npc and exiting. The game looks like it glitched  out as I left and went back into the last room I was in. My character was not there and I could move the camera a little bit but that was all. Back on the ship now I am 0/8 for clues. And the game acts as if I didn't do the mission at all. I cannot repeat the mission to try again or even see any active missions with R2 for the main story. My psn is ClannerG and my character name is Oshinari. A level 29 heavy gunner crusader.

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Uther's Tomb story mission
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6 years 150 days ago
No patch is needed to fix the problem, it can be handled on our backend but it requires time. I would like to ask your kind patience until then.
6 years 150 days ago
Is there any chance that they can fix my save or should I just wait for a patch. I would rather not start over.
6 years 151 days ago
Thanks for reporting the case! It will be fixed as soon as possible!