Uther's Tarot


Even if two isn't the case, it would still be nice to be able to see the cards in mission.

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Uther's Tarot
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7 years 352 days ago

OFF: post creation bug identified, hotfix coming soon fellow brothers & sisters, please be patient!

And ofc; thanks for your assistance!

UPDATE [03.27]: fixed, the hotfix is active from now, please try again guys!


This comment was edited 7 years 350 days ago by Jim Fox
7 years 353 days ago

Same thing others noted: often part of post disappears. Usually it is everything before last paragraph. It seems that using enter to start a new block results in system ignoring everything written before that. As for Tarot, another issue is that not all cards have a clearly defined effect: for example I tried a few times card that should produce bonus crafting materials. But always end up with empty box and no additional materials at all. While mentioned card just provides a bonus to enemies. It has no additional conditions that I can fail.

7 years 353 days ago

Off topic... I've been having the same issue with disappearing text in posts. It seems if you hit enter to start a new paragraph it deletes the top lines. 

7 years 353 days ago
Grey Knight
I see. That's a bug unfortunately. If someone could reproduce it, that would be cool. 
7 years 353 days ago

Obviously I am not the OP, but last night there were a couple of us who when we had created a thread, found that the first paragraph had disappeared when we posted it. Maybe that is what is being referred to.

7 years 353 days ago
Game kNight
There are no deleted posts here (I would see them). What do you mean?
7 years 353 days ago

Seems most of my post got deleted :( but oh well - point is that it would be nice :)

7 years 354 days ago

Agreed. I often forget which ones I have up. If they were in mission then you could mouse over them for a description and a reminder. The only one I remember is the reaper. I find myself getting a couple purples and for the rest of the mission I whisper to myself "don't die, don't die" :)