Use tarot without leveling them first



Could it be possible to use a tarot card without leveling it first?

I'm leveling 3 specific tarot card (1 major, 2 minor). So all the other tarot are blocked at 10/10 level 1 on purpose.

Now, i'm at a point where i need to apply  the tarot card that increase the level of the mission to 80. However this tarot card is 10/10 level 1 and i would like it to remain level 1, so i can drop only the tarot card i want to level.

The issue is,  I cannot use the tarot card, without leveling it first to level 2...

Could this be changed? Or could you elaborate on this game design? :)

On another note, did you ever consider to allow to reset the progression of a tarot card? I leveled up 2 card to level 2 by mistake... and now i have to wait to have them stucked at 50/50 to now drop the tarot card i want.

All this make it looks like, focusing on specific tarot card, by blocking other on purpose is not a game mechanic you wished. I'd like to be able to drop the one i want by blocking their progression, or being able to somehow 'disable" them.

Thanks in advance for your input!


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Use tarot without leveling them first
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4 years 279 days ago
This is indeed more like a bug, thanks for explaining it in more details. I will discuss it with our console team, they will likely to have a solution for it pretty soon.
4 years 279 days ago
Posted by Kiliak 4 years 280 days ago

Selecting the level would be top yes! And it would avoid any potential issue/bug that could happen with a reset.

It is true that you will level up the card with your main, and then once creating another character, you will have no mission to do via tarot card, from 70 to 90+ (ok i know void crusade and intel missions, but i personally mainly do tarot mission :p )

But for now, my biggest issue is that the dev force the user to level up a card if at 10/10 before being able to use it... as both 'upgrade' and 'apply' are binded to the same button.

The main idea would be to have:

button A: apply

button X: upgrade

So your issue is a console issue whereas for PC it isn't an issue. I like that it allows you to level up specific cards if all others are capped. It makes youd ecide what you REALLY want first and foremost or whether you don't mind and are happy to level them all as they hit the next level upgrade point.
4 years 280 days ago

Selecting the level would be top yes! And it would avoid any potential issue/bug that could happen with a reset.

It is true that you will level up the card with your main, and then once creating another character, you will have no mission to do via tarot card, from 70 to 90+ (ok i know void crusade and intel missions, but i personally mainly do tarot mission :p )

But for now, my biggest issue is that the dev force the user to level up a card if at 10/10 before being able to use it... as both 'upgrade' and 'apply' are binded to the same button.

The main idea would be to have:

button A: apply

button X: upgrade

4 years 280 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 4 years 281 days ago
This idea has never been brought up but I will discuss with our designers whether we should implement a reset option. 

On the other hand there shouldn't be a problem with the Tarot cards you mentioned. What happens when you try to apply one onto a mission? Is there any error message?

Another idea here is that The Tarot Cards have a selectable level you can apply so long as you've levelled the cards to that level at least. That way, if you want to do a difficulty say 96 mission, you'd just choose the level 4 Tarot Card that upgrades the difficulty 90 missions. Why reset the cards when you can simply select a level you have already levelled up. This would give maximal flexibility in what players are able to do from level 70 through to the endgame and even expand what they could do for their endgame.

4 years 281 days ago


there might be a confusion, or i may have poorly explains my though :D

As @ANDY2528‍ , all my card are at 10/10 level 1, except 1 major and 2 minor that i'm leveling. Doing so, every tarot card i drop is either the major one, or the 2 minors ones that i'm leveling. Which means i cant upgrade them very fast. And that's ok!

The issue i now have is, because i'm level 75, i need now to apply the tarot card which set the level of the map to 80. This tarot card is not the major one that i'm currently farming with the method describe above. So if now i want to apply it to gain xp, i will have to first upgrade the card, before being able to apply it... and i would like to be able to apply the card without upgrading it first.

Look, the button A is binded to 2 actions, so you choose to force the user to first upgrade:

The main idea would be to have:

button A: apply

button X: upgrade

so i can apply without upgrading it, and so, i could still farm the card i want by keeping the other one in "pending validation for upgrade".

4 years 281 days ago
I think they are doing like I am ,  I was upgrading certain ones while using other cards so I kept all of them at 10/10 so I could only get the cards I was building up. I too was a little disappointed when I saw I can't use the others when they are ready to upgrade (then that card will be dropping as well). So I wanted One major (the 50% overall , high chance for relic) card and superstition and venom from the minor set to be the only ones dropping while using the others in between. I'm curious does leveling them only add the 5% overall reward or will a level 3 venom have a better chance for enemies to drop cards than level 2 venom?
4 years 281 days ago

The issue, on xbox is that you use the same button for 2 actions.

When you want to apply a tarot card,  the action is binded to the button 'A'.

When you want to level up a tarot card, the 'upgrade' action is binded to the button 'A'.

When a tarot card is ready to be leveled up, the 'A' button is binded to the upgrade. The 'apply' action is not possible.

So you have to 1° upgrade the tarot pressing A, then the button A is now available to, 2° apply tarot on mission.

I would like to have

button A: apply tarot

button X: upgrade/level up

4 years 281 days ago
This idea has never been brought up but I will discuss with our designers whether we should implement a reset option. 

On the other hand there shouldn't be a problem with the Tarot cards you mentioned. What happens when you try to apply one onto a mission? Is there any error message?