Unable to press any buttons aside from the xbox home button


At the start screen I am unable to press any buttons, nor can I get past any of the cut scenes. I have restarted the game my xbox and the controller multiple times.

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Unable to press any buttons aside from the xbox home button
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6 years 118 days ago
Hey bro, may have found a fix... I just realised that the dongles for my guitar hero were plugged into the back of my Xbox and when I took them out I had a controller disconnected prompt window I reconnected the controller and then I worked. Do you have anything of the sort plugged into your Xbox? Double check bro and I hope this helps.... Time to find out if the money was worth it.
6 years 118 days ago
I think I will be doing the same... Sorry that this has happened to you also buddy.
6 years 118 days ago
Due to the lack of communication, and the severity of the defect I have asked for a refund from xbox.
6 years 118 days ago
Hi, same issue is happening here it will not let me press a button or even register the button press during the opening cut scenes or after. I have been on the phone to Xbox support and I have done everything vikingdreadnot has done also... And the same result! I bought the edition that cost £70.74 on the Xbox store and to be honest I feel like I've wasted a lot of money at this point and honestly I just want to know what you are doing to fix this.
6 years 118 days ago
Funny how you guys make a game about the inquisition, but your game coding is riddled with nurglings. I would start looking for traitor developers.

Suffer not the heretic to live.

6 years 118 days ago
We will figure out the source of the problem as soon as possible! Would you please send an email to [email protected]? Thanks in advance!
6 years 118 days ago
A full list of things attempted thus far.

Plugging controller in

Using a different controller

Using multiple controllers

Trying to trigger a no controller detected screen

Game restart, by exiting closing and reentering the game

Soft xbox restart

Hard xbox restart

Unplugging the xbox

Deleting the game from the hard drive and re downloading 

Attempting every single button individually during the cutscenes and start screen

Attempting no buttons for 30 minutes

Using a different account

-Still entirely not able to play the game even in the slightest

Though the opening  and start screen idle cutscenes are brilliant... I am running out of ideas.

I do QA for work, I did not want to do it for my downtime.

6 years 118 days ago
Attempted that last night. I tried switching controllers, one, two and 3 controllers. It's as if it doesn't even recognize there was a controller to begin with. I attempted to trigger a no controller detected interrupt screen by removing the batteries. No screen appeared.
6 years 118 days ago

please try the following:
- plug your controller into your device, make sure only one controller is being turned on and only one user is logged in.
Even after this you cant go past the start screen?

6 years 119 days ago
I just re downloaded the game and experiencing the same defect.  I'm truly starting to feel like I have waisted 60 dollars...