Two minor tweaks for ( major :P ) game improvement


Like the Sub-Title says.

1. How about change hold "F" key events to just activation with "F"? I don't see the point nor the fun in holding a button to progress a slow filling bar...what do other people think about it? I cant be the only one being annoyed.. it makes me skip datahunt missions tbh.

now i understand the following is a minor thing yet still :

2. Psyker Self Buff puts you into combat. This cancels Movement Speed Bonus out of Combat and faster regen etc. Is this supposed to be like that? It's not a game breakign thing but i feel like it should put you in combat.

What about other players - do you agree specially the F thing? Or not - if so : y?

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Two minor tweaks for ( major :P ) game improvement
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6 years 252 days ago
really? no one is annoyed by holding F key? you all think this is a cool game asset? 
6 years 253 days ago
Posted by tzxazrael 6 years 253 days ago
the F thing makes sense. you're supposed to be "hacking" the data terminals to recover important data, that's not instant. Other stuff like "Silence the Guns", the progress bar is much faster. it definitely appears to be working "as intended", and i don't really see anything wrong with it. sure it's slow, but that's the point of it.. a bit of challenge of whether you can effectively hold off the enemies while still trying to recover the data.

as to Psyker, i haven't played one yet, but that definitely seems to be 'weird'. but a lot of things are still weird about how buffs are cancelled...

the thing is i clear enemies then stand there hold f doing nothing. sometimes a group pops up - kill and then stand there hold f doing nothing. also just had a buker busting mission which i had to exit because the bunker was too far on the edge of the map so i was not able to hold f ^^ 

do you actually feel like its adding a challenge rather than a nuiseance? - about the psyker buff - thats a warp power obviously lasting 45 sec with enhanced duration. movement skill tree has ability to run 10% faster out of combat ( shows as little buff icon ) when i do psyker buff it goes away and stance of character changes to combat.

6 years 253 days ago
the F thing makes sense. you're supposed to be "hacking" the data terminals to recover important data, that's not instant. Other stuff like "Silence the Guns", the progress bar is much faster. it definitely appears to be working "as intended", and i don't really see anything wrong with it. sure it's slow, but that's the point of it.. a bit of challenge of whether you can effectively hold off the enemies while still trying to recover the data.

as to Psyker, i haven't played one yet, but that definitely seems to be 'weird'. but a lot of things are still weird about how buffs are cancelled...