The Martyr Chapter 2 saving cauus thorn


I’m having issues with warhammer 40000 martyr chapter / saving caius thorn visit the merciful agony void station in chernobog system.

on ps5

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The Martyr Chapter 2 saving cauus thorn
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1 year 177 days ago
As we see you don't have a Psyker character. :/
1 year 179 days ago

All of them But the main one i play is Psyker

1 year 182 days ago
As I see you have 4 characters. Which one ran into the bug you?
1 year 184 days ago
Psn - TheMartinator019
1 year 184 days ago
If you provide me your PSN I can have the developer team check on the issue you encountered. 

Thanks for any reply in advance.