The Doomed City


PSN: KiraThebloodedge

Character name : Kira

Tried to load up mission in The Harbingers of Hate and when the Progress bar fills it crashes before it allows me to do the Mission. Still have problems with the Viper's nest Mission of Pushing back the rebels as well. This will make both story paths unplayable for me.. 

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The Doomed City
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6 years 126 days ago
Will the consoles ever get the mailbox feature? I haven’t seen anything on any notes yet about it? I would love to give my cabal rewards :)
6 years 127 days ago
Alright, Thank you very kindly. Looking forward to bringing the swift wrath of the Emperor to the unclean!
6 years 127 days ago

the patch containing the fixes for the Viper's Nest and the Harbringers of Hate mission will either come this week or in the first half of the next week. We would like to ask your kind patience until then.