Tarot card can t upgrade



May be this glitch is well known, i can t upgrade tarot cards. I can see 379 tarot cards free in my inventory but i can t upgrade any of them. I cant see the proper button on the box.

Any ideas ?

379 tarot cards : 

i don t have any option to upgrade :/

This post was edited 2 years 279 days ago by xxxunarmedxxx
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Tarot card can t upgrade
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330 days ago

I think you should try unequipping the Tarot card from your hero/deck before upgrading. Equip it again after upgrading succeeds.

2 years 255 days ago
AHAHAHAHAHHA COME ON GUYS, I was struggling with these and empyrean seals from the begining. Thank you so much ^_^

This was not an obvious solution, why use this two-step process anyway?

2 years 270 days ago
Posted by xxxunarmedxxx 2 years 276 days ago
OMG ! thx a lot i ve managed to upgrade some of my tarot cards ! Futhermore do you know how to spend the seasonal tokens ?
i'm sorry, i don't play seasons, maybe someone else could help U on this. Glad i could help for the tarot card
2 years 276 days ago
OMG ! thx a lot i ve managed to upgrade some of my tarot cards ! Futhermore do you know how to spend the seasonal tokens ?
2 years 276 days ago

in your first screenshot, you have an arrow just next to the number of tarot cards you possess, you have to click on this arrow to spend it and apply them tou your tarot cards ;-) So, basically, you have to click 379 times on this one, good luck for your's fingers ;-)

This comment was edited 2 years 276 days ago by zobyone