Supression Perk and 1100-1200 Gear Change


Please change the Unlock for the Supresson Perk Tree. I'm at Level 46 and only found 6 Side Missions from 25. I think i will never unlock it in a whole year. Also the Gear seems not to really uprade vom 1000 to 1100. The Main Problem it seems that there is no System with 1100-1200 Gear only 900 about and then 1300 but 1300 is to hard if you have only 1000.

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Supression Perk and 1100-1200 Gear Change
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6 years 158 days ago

Check on this guide made by one of our players:
The fusion adds additional enchants to the item and can increase the PR in the meantime too.

6 years 159 days ago

I do those runs but the side missions are so rare or they only appear on special Tilesets. Does fusing Relics change the "Legendary" Affix?  I hoped i can get to the Warzone Unlock with normal gameplay like from 1-1000. It would be easier if there would be a planet system with 1100-1200.

6 years 159 days ago
You can upgrade your gear by fusing relic items at Omicron's side. With that you can even reach 1500PR. 

As for the Suppression tree you can find side quests if you run Hunt, Purge and Daemonic Incursion missions. These are the ones where side quests will pop up in addition to the main goal of the mission. 

6 years 159 days ago

There is no need to change anything.

Do more missions to have the chance of doing sidequests (the do more often appear on outdoor maps!).

Do more Tarot-Missions or higher the difficulty of the normal mission to unlock better gear.

After that go to the warzone and farm your gear there. ;)

This comment was edited 6 years 159 days ago by sinisterb00n