Stuck on campaign (Uthers Tomb, clues 5/8, talk to Ragna)


G'day Team

I am stuck in the campaign after completing Fire and the flames 3 times....(it kept spawning the "through enemy lines" the tank mission?? And I just kept doing it as it popped up) anyhow im in a pickle now because i am meant to speak to Ragna to continue to the next mission, but everytime I talk to Ragna after starting the game or competing a planet mission she repeats the dialogue from the end of fire and the flames followed by the conclave dialogue, after I close all of that I cannot speak to her to continue the mission or open the shop, 

I was hoping today's patch would have fixed it, but it must be something else, 

My PSN and characters name is Luigious 

I hope you can help, cheers 

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Stuck on campaign (Uthers Tomb, clues 5/8, talk to Ragna)
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6 years 143 days ago
This is not something a patch is required to be fixed. It can be dealt with on our backend. I forward your case and we will get it fixed as soon as possible!