Story mission keeps crashing game.


Every time I try to play the "pushing back the rebels" mission under the Viper's nest story line my game crashes and force closes. Sometimes it crashes before I enter the mission while loading, other times it crashes right as the missions loads before I teleport in. Is there anything I can do? 

Psn tag: turbojebus33

Character name: Azrael 

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Story mission keeps crashing game.
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6 years 124 days ago
See this is the part that doesn't make sense. You say it's fixed "on your end" meaning the server. But if that were the case all you'd need to do is push the patch out to us. Instead, you're stalling for time. Why? I fully understand that patches have to be thoroughly scrutinized and tested to make sure they don't cause more problems than they solve, but if the problem truly is "fixed" at the server end this has already been done, right? So no need to delay. So... Either you're not telling the truth about it being fixed... or... you're just delaying the release for no reason. 
6 years 124 days ago

Hi,this issue has been fixed on our end and the next patch will contain the changes. We are still working on things and will issue the patch afterward. I would like to ask your kind patience since this will take time.

6 years 126 days ago
Same here. Stuck in Vipers nest mission and campeign mission keeps crashing. I can't progress in game.