It seems a few of us have reported losing everything from the storage coffers, and it happened today to me. Now my bags are filling up and I don't trust the servitor to keep my items safe. Are you aware of this issue, how we can prevent it, and when it may be fixed properly?

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7 years 161 days ago

I'm interested in how you propose they do this with no hands.

7 years 161 days ago
Posted by Morzan 7 years 165 days ago

Yes, this is a known issue and will be fixed as soon as possible! Please write an email to the support team - [email protected] - and they will give your lost items back. 

Come on. The Storage Servitors will be the end event of the alpha for sure. They will grab all the stolen weapons and no longer hide theire heretic influence and maw down everything that get's in the way with the weapones they aquired.. for sure!

7 years 161 days ago

servitors are not to be trusted period there is a good reason they are servitors in the 1st place ... heretics

the Emperor protects 

7 years 162 days ago

All my stuff magically reappeared on the servitor. I did not submit a ticket to get it back, so I don't know exactly how it happened. I'm glad it did though.

7 years 165 days ago

The items are immaterial ... materials... However, if I see the Rogue Trader suddenly offering to sell me some very familiar Relics, there may be a purging.

The real question is, is it something we are doing to cause the wipes? Can I store things with the servitor safe in the knowledge it won't happen again as long as I avoid doing whatever caused it to wipe? My weapon bag is full of relics #41stmilenialproblems.

7 years 165 days ago

Yes, this is a known issue and will be fixed as soon as possible! Please write an email to the support team - [email protected] - and they will give your lost items back.