Still unplayable


I am seriously starting to regret my buy here - I've had the game for nearly a month and it's still unplayable. Different gamebreaking bugs

kills it -


Before 1,4 and now 1,5 the game crashes every time I try to start a mission.

Bought gear is gone the next time you log in and continue with your char - but the money spend is still spend.

Money spend on one character, is also spend if you change to another char - fx. I go from 3000 to 2000 with my crusade (close combat) The log in with my crusader (heavy) and suddenly his capital is down to the same - 2000.

Where ever the last crash was, no matter what character you then log in with, starts there.

50 % of the time the game crashes on start up and has to be forced shut, and restarted.

I know the game isn't complete, and was fully aware that there would be lots of bugs etc on an Alpha build. But the fact that the game has such major and huge issues from start up to mission start is a major red alert in my eyes.

Am i the only one who's nervous? :(

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Still unplayable
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7 years 360 days ago
Posted by akathanam 7 years 360 days ago
Is this your first Alpha? Those bugs and crashes are expected. Remember, this is not a game yet, it is the beginning of the testing phase. We are supposed to crash it in every way possible, so that those bugs can be ironed out. Every alpha that doesn't delete your system, send obscene text-messages to your ex, cheats with your wife and sets your dog on fire is a successfull (alpha)release in my book...
Haha well cosindering those bugs, im pretty safe then ;-)

Yes it is my first Alpha - which is why i posted this, to see if this was to be expected or if I in fact had reason for my cocerns.
The funds issue aside then, i have still experienced the other bugs and as far as i can conclude from other forum post, i'm not the only one :)

Thx for the quick response and reasuring words :)  

7 years 360 days ago

I'm far from nervous - in fact this is one of the best Alpha launches I've attended so far as most of the things you mention I haven't experienced (the credits is not a bug, your credits are shared among your characters just like Diablo 3 non-season characters)

The mission crashes and items disappearing (note that the items are not gone) is something they are working hard to fix.

As Akathanam stated these things are to be expected in Alpha - you are a part of The Founding which is a way to influence the game, but that also means that we will have to enjure bugs, crashes and annoying things that won't be in the final game.

Did you read the post here:

There might be a way to fix your issues - or check if your issues have already been reported (if they are on that list, expect them to be working on them)

This comment was edited 7 years 360 days ago by Game kNight
7 years 360 days ago
Is this your first Alpha? Those bugs and crashes are expected. Remember, this is not a game yet, it is the beginning of the testing phase. We are supposed to crash it in every way possible, so that those bugs can be ironed out. Every alpha that doesn't delete your system, send obscene text-messages to your ex, cheats with your wife and sets your dog on fire is a successfull (alpha)release in my book...