So long and thanks for all the fish


I have been with you since day one (I have the cherub to prove it). I just lost it today and uninstalled after a void crusade crashed during the final looting vault. This bug was reported that dropping items can crash the game. A crash in the final phase of a void crusade loses all the loot. 

Thanks for all the fun but after leveling all four classes, I can't take the bugs anymore.

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So long and thanks for all the fish
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4 years 15 days ago
Posted by Ksathral 4 years 20 days ago

I think what he means is that he lost his patience with the game due to the bugs he experiences XD

Maybe he lost the fish.
4 years 20 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 4 years 22 days ago

You just lost the Cherub you had all this while? Cosmetic items like pets cannot be lost, are you sure about this?

Although there are ongoing issues in Inquisitor, we are constantly working on the game and we hope that when we will release Co-Op Void Crusade in the future, you will return once again.

I think what he means is that he lost his patience with the game due to the bugs he experiences XD

4 years 22 days ago

You just lost the Cherub you had all this while? Cosmetic items like pets cannot be lost, are you sure about this?

Although there are ongoing issues in Inquisitor, we are constantly working on the game and we hope that when we will release Co-Op Void Crusade in the future, you will return once again.