Skilling the tech adept and his constructs.


hi there and sorry for the bad english :)

iam not shure about that here:

what skill trees have an effect on the constructs too?? like skill trees:

Melee combat

range combat

singel dps 

area effect

physical atacks

critical hits

damage over time

heat attacks


and the morality trees. 

have taht skill trees only an effekt of the weapon of the tech adept? or to his constructs too?

its for me an very iomportant question that will good to know!

Thanks youre Bolt Thrower!

PS: i enjoyed the new class :) i like it realy so far :)

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Skilling the tech adept and his constructs.
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5 years 205 days ago
Posted by Senjine 5 years 207 days ago
Thank you for your answer, so the tech adept playing full automaton have no HL, cause they dont make hard damage, cant focus a target and cant crit
Ok, i have talking to fast, my apologies.
5 years 207 days ago
Thank you for your answer, so the tech adept playing full automaton have no HL, cause they dont make hard damage, cant focus a target and cant crit
5 years 207 days ago
The Passive skill trees affect only the Tech-Adept but as you may already experienced, the class has its own passive trees which can affect them. 
5 years 207 days ago

Yhea need to know too, i dont understand why dont dont have more information about our construct and there wepons in game, excuse my english to. BTW dev you rly do a great job with the 2.0 and prophecy. Im really impress. keep up the good work and give us more information :p