Sister Dominion/Celestian bug


Started a new game with a Sister Dominion. Somewhere between chapter 2 and 3, the Sister Dominion model changed to the Sister Celestian. This never reverted back to original since it switched even though game still shows class as Sister Dominion. 

Can this be fixed?

Account: Dirticus Rex
Character: Dirtiboltz

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Sister Dominion/Celestian bug
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181 days ago

Yes, only the model changed. The class still shows Sister Dominion. I ran an integrity check on game per your suggestion. 61k files validated/no corruption found.

I assumed the Sister Dominion would retain the traditional sister bowl cut look with black hair. Current model now has red hair with pin (Celestian look). No changes if i switch armor. Not really sure when it happened. 
Attempted to provide link with pic as proof however system blocked it. 

181 days ago
That would be a first for me, wow. Is it only the model, a visual change? Everything else is exactly the same? (Sorry for the stupid question but) would it be possible you changed armours and that look change threw you off? Either way, I suggest you check the integrity of your game files on Steam, that can't hurt to try for sure.