Shaping of Uthers Tarot bugged



there seems to be a problem with the Shaping-Option of Uthers Tarot. I select the cards I want to play, selecz a +50 difficulty and create the Deck. The missions shows me, that it is Level 809, but as soon as I spawn it is at level -31700 I receive -90% damage and deal +21344322254% (don't know exactly, but ridicoulosly high) extra damage. The mission yields no XP and nearly no Items.

For a short time it is fun to just one hit everything, but I just flushed 400 Fate down the toilet.

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Shaping of Uthers Tarot bugged
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6 years 259 days ago

I can cofirm that Uthers Tarot is bugged.

Just tried Impossible difficulty twice and got Normal instead :(

Item on MantisBT: Impossible Tarot is auto-set to Normal difficulty when mission starts

And Brattak's case is also listed here on MantisBT: bug dps

This cries for a hotfix ^^

This comment was edited 6 years 259 days ago by ShivanDragon4
6 years 259 days ago

I have same issue.

to repost what I wrote somewhere else:

After the patch I ran first tattot mission which was fine, but issues started with the second one.

I set up the difficulty to impossible, mission is created with proper power level, I even get a warning before start that its going to be hard. But when the mission loads its power level is aprox 250 under my power level and not above. Exp and loot is gained as for easy mission. I tried one more and it was the same (I haven t tried another since I have the exp virus and dont want to waste it). Can you please look at it?