< R.I.P > Ruined Gaming Experience


Did i just waste my money on a game that seriously is realy cool ? ><  

in good faith i blasted some cash to experience this 40k universe , witch i find very interesting aswell as nostalgic as i ventured into 40k back in my youth mid 90`s.

But seriously , this preformance issue is a major brain synapse buster , because when ya realy realy want to explore this game and fight on hoards of chaos  it cant be done , everything chunks up . 

standing ground fxmpl and shootin stuff up puts me in a  super laggy anoying mode where i can just drop keyboard/mouse and just watch the show as i die , even pushin the heal button activates 2-3min later , if not never.

this is so bummer beyond preportions ,  specialy when u dont get the real smooth bang for ur buck.


a Realy dissapointed gamer.

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< R.I.P > Ruined Gaming Experience
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4 years 304 days ago
When the game updated with the Prophecy DLC expansion, it did everything you've just described to me. 

What was the problem?

I found out my $2,000 gaming laptop had a built in graphics card that was not good at all for modern gaming. The game had set graphics tod efault which emant nots electing my actual graphics card. Go into your graphics options on home screen before selecting and launchinga characters game and set your graphics card back tow hat it should be then restart the game and you should be fine.

4 years 305 days ago

You may want to double check that the correct graphics card is being used (if you have an integrated graphics card also).  This probably isn't the case if your performance is only affected with hoards of enemies on screen.  Still wanted to mention it because that was my issue when I first installed the game a couple weeks ago.

4 years 306 days ago
Update your drivers.

In Steam verify your files.

These are common fixes for things like this, it sounds as if you may have some jacked up files.

4 years 312 days ago
I would recommend a few changes in your Video settings ingame which may significantly improve the game's performance on your end:

- disable Temporal Anti Aliasing

- disable Frame blending

- disable High shader

- check if the game runs on your Nvidia/AMD or integrated graphic card and switch to the former one. This can either be done in your graphic settings or in the game under the Video settings.
We hope these will help.