Question by psalm words


"For each projectile with Physical Damage, two additional projectiles are created in a 10° cone but skill damage is halved" - 

This psalm word work with chaneled and area field skils?

 Thanks in advance.

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Question by psalm words
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4 years 203 days ago

tried on a shotgun. didn't like it. damage becomes too weak.

4 years 203 days ago

Do you joke??? The question is not in the psalm word and whether you like it or not, but whether it works with certain skils... (chaneled and area field)      -_- 

This comment was edited 4 years 203 days ago by XIIIth
4 years 202 days ago
It works on Grenade Luncher, Boltgun and Heavy Bolter with Area effect skills as I tried. 
4 years 202 days ago

It works on Grenade Luncher, Boltgun and Heavy Bolter with Area effect skills as I tried. 

A walking MIRV.


This comment was edited 4 years 202 days ago by sunknsun
4 years 202 days ago
