Questgivers/Green Exclamation Mark Bug


Anyone else having the issue where either my magos biologis has a green checkmark, but sends me to the innoculator screen, or my tech priest having a exclamation mark but after giving me quest driving conversation, mark remains and cannot enter tech priest window?

I can do the missions (so far) if they show up on the Special Missions/Star Map, but interacting with the NPCs is a little wonky.

Account: Epic_Dude (steam)
Character Affected: Burnsworth

This post was edited 1 year 353 days ago by VonEpic86
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Questgivers/Green Exclamation Mark Bug
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308 days ago
This comment was deleted 308 days ago by oeregharcos
1 year 350 days ago
Account name: Paraxite.

Character name: Nurgle.

Thank you

1 year 352 days ago
Account name: Xellgarath

Seasonal character, heavy gunner crusader, name: Rat

1 year 353 days ago

Account Name: BankToad

Crusader Character  Name : Toad

Assassin Character  Name: Toad

1 year 353 days ago
Account: Skagir

Character: Boreeh

1 year 353 days ago
Account: jadex900

Character: HotSauce 

1 year 353 days ago

Account name: "Punisher2164"
Character name: "Арес" (Russian Language. means "Ares" greek god of war)

This comment was edited 1 year 353 days ago by Punisher2164
1 year 353 days ago


Please share your account names along with your character names with us (EDITING your previous comment would just be fine) and we will check on the issues either today or on the coming days. 

Thanks for every input!

1 year 354 days ago
Magos and Ragna stuck with exclamation marks. Can't sell items and move Drukhari quest line forward.
1 year 354 days ago
I'm also having this same issue.
1 year 355 days ago
I have the same problem since Migration, with the Tech Priest. Cant access crafting menu.
1 year 355 days ago

I am having the same problem: Metrodora Thelema (Magos Biologis) keeps repeating the same conversation loop and will not continue the story nor let me access the npc services.  Any updates on this?

1 year 355 days ago
It block all campaign work :( I have the same problem with biologis
1 year 356 days ago
Yes. I think it's an old bug that's returned. Campaign missions that were on a "talk to" state before the migration seem to be stuck in a loop in that state.
1 year 356 days ago
Update: Looks like the Tech Priest is stuck in the same conversation loop, and I cannot access his crafting menus nor advance that questline.