Purple Blueprints


I buy a purple blueprint and read it successfully then go to the crafting section at Omcron Arkh but it's not visible this has happened three times I've tried to do it, I'm concerned that the game knowing you've read that blueprint you won't get it again so if it doesn't appear for crafting then it's gone for good, has anyone else had issues and will they bring out a patch to fix it cos I'm limited with the capability of equipment I can use

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Purple Blueprints
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5 years 360 days ago
Yes it's fine now thanks for your help
5 years 360 days ago

We tested the blueprints and could not find any which was not working. May I ask what the mentioned blueprints were? Also did you check the purple blueprints not just the green ones at Omicron? There are two tabs and you can switch between them! Maybe you missed this point. 

5 years 363 days ago
We will re-test all the purple blueprints if they are working! Thanks for the report!