Psalm-Code Doctrines Xbox Version


Nova Psalm + Volkite Psalm + Transonic Psalm  /Killing a Shocked enemy creates an explosion causing Shock and dealing damage equal to Damage from the killing blow ( doesnt work at all on any  gears ) 

tryed it all no effect / melee ( Voltaic axe alpha )

Terminus Psalm + Phosphoenic Psalm + Icarus Psalm + Phosphoenic Psalm + Volkite PsalmInflicting a Burn DoT on an enemy also puts Burn DoT on nearby enemies (

 melee = Burn DoT/ wont  Burn DoT on nearby enemies (Voltaic axe alpha)

 doesnt works on (radium carbine alpha)

Hyper-rad Psalm + Hyper-rad Psalm + Transonic Psalm + Voltagheist Psalm + Hermeticon PsalmInflicting a Poison DoT on an enemy also puts Poison DoT on nearby enemies 

 doesnt work at all on any  gears )

tryed it all no effect 

works on (radium carbine alpha)

 melee = Poison DoT on an enemy also puts Poison DoT on nearby enemies   0 affect (Voltaic axe alpha)

This post was edited 4 years 253 days ago by Cerberus Hades
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Psalm-Code Doctrines Xbox Version
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4 years 253 days ago
Resetting my Xbox without deleting games worked for me. I had similar issues if that doesn't work try erasing saved games it will restart your Xbox. Hope it helps!