PS5- Attribute Points not saving between logins, still


Played on ps4 a couple of years ago, not sure if was occurring then.

Bought ps5 digital complete version recently.

On ps5, have tried repeated logins and earned attribute points are not saving between app shutdowns, it does save distribution values, but not the leveling acquired extra points. UI thinks points are still there as increase attribute option is not highlighted, but sliders show wrong level and stats are being affected. You simply have to tap "Increase Attribute" and sliders and stats update correctly, but if a player was not aware of this, their stats would be impacted.

Have tried stripping all equipment, shutdown, reboot, same issue.

Given that I see this issue going back years, I'm skeptical if this will ever be resolved.

It's too bad, I do dig the game still.

Edit: I did create a new character on ps5, a 2nd crusader. Is it possible the bug is earned attribute points on my first character are not properly carrying over to new character? And I have to refresh the carry over points on every boot up?

This post was edited 1 year 312 days ago by TheDude9S
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PS5- Attribute Points not saving between logins, still
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