[PS4/XboxOne] Update for Inquisitor | July 27


Updates for Inquisitor have been released. Please make sure that your console has downloaded the update fully. The game needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

v2.0.1.0 for Xbox | v02.11 for PS4 EU/US | v01.12 for PS4 JPN

New Void Crusades

  • Amber Void Crusade

Gather 5 Amber Shards to open the brand new Amber Crusade and complete its challenging missions to receive epic rewards! Fight and defeat the Khorne forces, the Black Legion, and the Rebel Guard to collect your righteous bounty.

  • Viridian Void Crusade

Gather 5 Viridian Shards to open the brand new Viridian Crusade and complete its challenging missions to receive epic rewards! Fight the Nurgle, Khorne and Rebel Chaos Guard units in the brand new Void Crusade and collect your righteous epic rewards.

Both Crusades are available in Hardcore mode as well.

Fixed Bugs

  • From now on the Charybdis Outpost DLC is accessible with the Tech-Adept as well
  • The Cognis Protocol Trophy, Achievement and Heroic Deed has been slightly balanced to make it more easily obtainable
  • Fixed the issue where a Secret Mission from the Ecru Void Crusade would crash
  • Fixed the issue where a Secret Mission from the Ivory Void Crusade would not unlock
  • Fixed the issue where the Archeotech Relic Heavy Flamer models were invisible
  • Fixed the issue where the CGI cutscene after Tutorial 5 was not skippable
  • Fixed the issue where the player could not apply a tarot card to a mission when that card was upgradeable
  • Fixed the Ancient Relic Inoculator's enchant unlock requirement which required the player to use Booster or Healer type components, while sometimes there were no such slot types on the inoculator
  • Fixed an issue where upon rerolling the enchants on a construct module all enchants would vanish
  • Fixed an issue where upon rerolling all enchants on an Archeotech or a Morality item an enchant would vanish
  • Fixed a hazard of The Heretek Forge Tarot card
  • Fixed the Armoury of Zeal perk
  • Fixed an issue in Maelstrom of Carnage where players didn't receive reward after reaching 500 points
  • Fixed the effect of the Sniper Shot of the Longlas Rifle
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes wrong cost was displayed when one attempted to craft an item
  • Fixed the issue where the selected filters in the Crafting page were reset after crafting an item
  • Fixed an issue where the notification of upgraded Tarot cards were not displayed on the screen
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes players did not receive the correct amount of loot in missions
  • Fixed a Psalm code Doctrine with the following effect: All AoE attacks affect a 30% smaller area but gain +150% Damage
  • Fixed an issue where the Mitigator inoculator component did not restore Suppression properly
  • From now on all the Fortified Zones will be indicated from the start on the map in Siege missions and it does no longer matter in what order one captures the targets
  • From now on the maximum lives one can obtain in missions with Tarot cards applied on are 4
  • Intel Pursuit missions can now be completed even if the allied group perishes
  • Intel missions will no longer spawn into locked Subsectors causing the players to be stuck in the System
  • Fixed the tooltip icons of the Battle Dance and Hasten passive skills
  • Fixed the incorrect buff descriptions coming from enchants in the Pause menu
  • Fixed the double scrollbar issues at the Void Crusade panel in multiple localizations
  • Fixed the overflowed button texts at the Cabal panel in multiple localizations
  • Several localization fixes

Balance Changes

  • The Archeotech Storm Shield's Shield charge received a minor adjustment on max. range (now has more than basic Shield charge, but slightly less than the original Archeotech skill)
  • The cooldown of the Shield charge skill of the Archeotech Storm Shield has been reduced from  10 sec to 6 sec
  • The movement aspect of the Short Burst skill of the Archeotech Shotgun has been slightly adjusted to respond better
  • The global cooldown of the Single shot skill of the Archeotech Boltgun has been reduced to 0.3 sec from 0.5 sec
  • Salvo, Channeled and Barrage skills are now apply On-hit effects based on an internal cooldown

Quality of Life improvements

  • "Salvage all Relic Items" and "Sell All Relic Items" functions are available in Omicron and Ragna respectively
  • The special Archeotech items' skills received new icons
  • Scaled up the font size for the banters and the clues' read mode
  • Updated the unlock criteria descriptions for Perks
  • New Journal entries added for "Merciful Agony", "Unholy Cathedral" and "Custodian Rebus" special locations
  • Added the missing subtitles for every language to the Prophecy intro and outro videos
This post was edited 4 years 111 days ago by Marcopolocs
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[PS4/XboxOne] Update for Inquisitor | July 27
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3 years 324 days ago

The "new" gear, missions, tier challenges etc are so nill and few it may as well be just a change in name only so saying you have new things in this regard, while true, is minimal at best and doesnt negate my original sentiments as overall it being damn near identical in most ways as inferno minus the color and a couple of "different' things mainly in just name only.  Adding one or two "new" challenges in the tier levels for example hardly qualifies as innovative.  Adding "new" effects does not qualify as overhauls in variety in weapons or missions either so I will not hear "we have new missions, challenges, gear, items"  While technically correct, its overall far from cutting it and not near enough to keep most interested.

3 years 324 days ago
Im in agreement with much of what  LordTrismegistu is frustrated about.  I do not use the psyker so I dont have much to say on that but the nerfing of that character and XP is absolute BS as I trust what he says of those subjects being how much he has played and knows the game and the character.  I understand changes and balancing but if it is changed to such a degree that makes the build crap or not fun to play anymore, there is a real damn negative issue with that that should be addressed for sure.

Look, you all have really pulled some good things out to improve this game and bring it back from being dead with examples such as patch 2.0, the updates to stability, Prophecy DLC and the seasons.  Damn good job there.  However, in regards to the seasons I have a big issue with the unoriginality and what seems to be lack of giving a shit or no motivation/lazy with the warp surge.  Why on earth would you all make a new season that has ALL THE EXACT SAME CHALLENGES AS THE FIRST WITH THE ONLY REAL CHANGE BEING ITS COLOR?!  Why?  It lacks originality.  It makes the game insufferable if we have to start a new character to only play again the same campaign with the same tier challenges.  That is boring/fatiguing.  Had you all buckled down and for example added maybe new stages, new enemies, or new gear.  That would be so much more enticing to do it all over again.  Im just so damn disappointed that when I opened up the new season to see the exact same with the only thing different being a damn color palette.  Im just at a loss for words how that was agreed upon as being a good idea.

3 years 324 days ago
So after the awful lies you told me about XP being nerfed, you then proceed to make a "season", which means I have to start a new Character and play through that boring, dull stupid campaign AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN, because you are too lazy to actually add any new content, the game died for me. With the Season over I think what the hell, Neocore are lazy, lying scumbags, but I love 40k so I will give it a try... And, the XP is still nerfed. the Psyker is nerfed to being unusable, there are NO new Enemy types, stages, nothing interesting. AND Now i am reliably informed by my substantial message group that the New Season, which requires ANOTHER character restart is EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE PREVIOUS ONE WITH A DIFFERENT COLOUR PALETTE. Tell me, is it laziness, or incompetence that makes you so awful? You keep making it so any progress made by anyone is rendered completely obsolete. That is Destiny levels of stupid. I don't WANT to keep restarting characters over and over. I want to do something new with the ones I have. 

WHY? Why are you so lazy? A whole WEALTH of characters, lore and stories to choose from, and the best you can do is character restarts. It is pathetic. 

4 years 165 days ago

Enemy Lasgun VFX offset from shooter bug still occuring
4 years 180 days ago
Posted by DavidSkywalker 4 years 190 days ago
I've just reached the milestones for magos biologist and two other achievements on the xbox but they haven't unlocked. Is there a problem with the new update? 

The same for me for the success who need to doing mission in +10 difficulty.

(But i just look at english version it said level puissance 500 or more... where we can see this ? )

... and the purcentage for this, do not increase T_T


- 0:45 level up, but my xp is 16 504

- 0:10 level up , but my xp is 16 516

It was the +10 difficulty mission, and more, I don't understund why I level up, if i just win 12 xp for killing a tank level +10, and finaly at the end of the campaign mission I stayed level 56


About Tarrot mission, here in the video (you can go to - 0:40 )

(Renseignement in french) Intelligence missions start with 1.610 XP

+ tarot card > XP mission become : 1.248

+ tarot card > XP mission become : 1.555

4 years 190 days ago
I've just reached the milestones for magos biologist and two other achievements on the xbox but they haven't unlocked. Is there a problem with the new update? 
4 years 190 days ago
@LORDTRISMEGISTUS‍ then this has to be looked into, thank you for the confirmation.

@LOMITHRANDIR‍ the fixes did not affect already dropped items. Please let me know your PSN/Gamertag and place the bugged item into your inventory. We will switch it with another one.

@THEHEMHAM‍ yes, they will get it. Our team is already working on it. We will soon update our Roadmap.

4 years 192 days ago

Fixed the Ancient Relic Inoculator's enchant unlock requirement which required the player to use Booster or Healer type components, while sometimes there were no such slot types on the inoculator, however, what about inoculator unlocks that require gaining HP with the inoculator when no salve slots exist? I still have one in my inventory and I'd love to be able to use it!

4 years 192 days ago
Been playing bug free since launch Nd I love this game. My only question is this, are consoles getting seasons? I don't see it anywhere on the roadmap.
4 years 193 days ago

Well I have tried every mission on every character and XP is down across the board. Apart from my level 100 who can't see XP but I have been reliably informed the xp is nerfed for anyone else in the party with me. 

4 years 193 days ago

This surprised me and I consulted with our console team whether ANY nerf/balance has been made which may has been left out of the patchnote but nothing. I will be honest, currently I have no idea why you get less XP. The weekly event which gave extra XP was active last week and the patch arrived on Monday. They should not relate.
If you notice anything more please let me know.

4 years 194 days ago

Well if you didn't nerf it, then it might be a bug? As before the week of 20% extra xp last week , with a Meme Virus, my fully upgraded Murder, Treasure trove and perseverance tarot cards, on an intel or ordos mission that was 2-3 levels above me in a party of 4 I would get on average 55- 60K xp, now even on a level 5 levels above me, only pull around 35-40K. That is a pretty significant difference. I thought it was an error of reducing 20% instead of adding it just during that weekly event, however, that week has ended and it hasn't changed. So if you didn't nerf xp rewards I am baffled as to why I am getting 2/3 of what I was getting before? It's a shame because my main fun in the game was taking through cabal members and helping them rank up faster. That's a nice idea with the enchant though, especially for people starting out. I am seeing more and more people playing lately which is pretty cool. PvP is still dead which is a shame as I think it could be really fun. That invisible and stuck spawning in one spot glitch is horrifying though lol. 

4 years 194 days ago
What do you mean by saying the XP was nerfed? We haven't nerfed it, actually the Season patch will introduce a new enchant type 'XP bonus' which will help you in leveling up.
4 years 194 days ago
Ok. So loot bug isn't fixed. Sound glitch still not fixed, invisible chests, drop outs. But according to a message I read today on my ps message group all exploits have been patched instead? AND you nerf the XP? Why have you nerfed the XP?  
4 years 195 days ago

Thank you devs for the update can't wait for seasons good job.Now for the complaint I did a bonus mission in a void crusade and it was the one with the robots I do not recall what they are called but that mission causes the worst fps drops and it's just a terrible bland mission by far the worst in the game I honestly think it requires a redesign.

4 years 196 days ago
Posted by inhabilis80 4 years 196 days ago
I have the same problem. I have tried different email address but didn't received antything and can't verify account. 
It seems that it is okay. No need to verify email address 
4 years 196 days ago
Posted by Iggsy81 4 years 196 days ago
Thanks for that update, i can now no longer play the game. 

Now it says i need a verified account.  It has my correct email address, i never recieved any verification email in the past, and trying to resend it now, it has my correct email address and i am not receiving anything so can't verify so i can't play the game any longer, yay.  I have a gmail account.

I have the same problem. I have tried different email address but didn't received antything and can't verify account. 
4 years 196 days ago
Thanks for that update, i can now no longer play the game. 

Now it says i need a verified account.  It has my correct email address, i never recieved any verification email in the past, and trying to resend it now, it has my correct email address and i am not receiving anything so can't verify so i can't play the game any longer, yay.  I have a gmail account.

4 years 197 days ago
ADDENDUMB: Also still getting invisible chests in hidden rooms. They appear on the minimap but not in the game and I can't open it. Other people in the party can sometimes but other times nobody can. 
4 years 197 days ago
ADDENDUM: SO, my first game on, THE SOUND GLITCH IS STILL NOT FIXED? Can't believe I overlooked it, but how have you not fixed this issue? It's so bad it even affects my party chat. I am getting it more and more lately, not less. PLEASE FIX THIS BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE! 

Also, and this is absolutely disgusting to me. You have nerfed the XP? I thought it was a glitch with the season of 20% extra xp and it was subtracting rather than adding it. But no, you have definitely nerfed the XP. With a meme virus on intel/ordo missions 2 - 3 levels above me at level 96 on my Pskyer I could pull 60K plus XP with upgraded tarot cards. now I can barely do 40k? Why have you done this and not explained it? I have looked everywhere for a mention of it, but doing that on the sly isn't cool. 

4 years 197 days ago

First off thanks for soldiering on and trying to keep the game alive. We salute you.
"Fixed an issue where sometimes players did not receive the correct amount of loot in missions" Does this mean the stupid loot bug that made us reset after nearly every mission is gone now?
Are you aware of the endless joining screen when trying to reinvite people into lobbies? How about the pvp glitch where people spawn on their death spot for me, but are running around on their screen invisible to me but I can shoot their motionless respawned body to death? or I am doing the same to them except killing them as I am somehow immortal?
And (last gripe I swear) Is the server maintenance to increase the quality of the servers so huge lag-spikes don't keep happening and rubber banding people into death?
Keep up the great work, love the game. Bugs and all. 

4 years 197 days ago
Still no mailbox system which would be a real QOL improvement for console players that is sorely needed!

I do like these other changes indeed but please actually include all the same opportunities that PC has to us console players.

4 years 197 days ago
Thanks for the update! I appreciate your hard work and am looking forward to Seasons!
4 years 197 days ago
Is there any timeline for when the server maintenance will finally be complete or are they going to be down until tuesday?
4 years 197 days ago
Its also weird that perks dont apply value to character tooltip 

4 years 197 days ago
Local damage increases from gear mods needs to show on character page adding to full damage  and skills for psyker should have individual dmg/dps tooltip that adds in character damage to make it easier players to comprehend characters actual dps. Debuffs should also have a tooltip on character screen with chance %/value & damage global damage increase % on debuff

4 years 197 days ago
I'd love it if the Tech Adept could play the main campaign. It's frustrating that my favorite class isn't available for anything but the DLC.

Or at the very least, it'd be nice if you did something about the Psyker's Warp Anomalies. The vast majority of my deaths come from the stupid laser triangle. It's seriously wearing me down that I'm stuck with the vanilla Crusader and the meh Assassin as my only viable ways to play the game.

4 years 197 days ago
Dissapointing that there is not a single fix for lag in online coop play. But yet a huge amount of stuff that is much less important when the game half the time is almost unplayable