[PS4/XboxOne] Update for Inquisitor | April 14


Updates for Inquisitor have been released. Please make sure that your console has downloaded the update fully. The game needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

v2.0.0.8 for Xbox | v02.10 for PS4 EU/US | v01.11 for PS4 JPN

New Event: Edict of Termination

  • The Caligari Conclave has identified eight enemies of the Imperium as primary targets in need of immediate elimination. In His name they shall be obliterated from existence.

    Enemies of the Imperium can now spawn instead of Villains during missions. By defeating them, players are rewarded Fate, Credits, and gear - however, if all eight Targets are eliminated, the rewards are much more valuable - gather Favour, Loot Chests, Psalms, and Consumables!

       Recommended Level: 50

New Vendor

  • Custodian Rebus is in possession of valuable artifacts of time past, as well as powerful relics to help fighting against the enemies of the Imperium. However, he's willing to trade them for the right price. By completing various existing and upcoming Events, players are rewarded Favour that can be turned in at the Custodian in exchange for various cosmetics, summons, and more! Custodian Rebus is available every week from Friday through Sunday.

Notable rewards include:

  • Unique Portrait Frames
  • Command Bridge Decorations
  • Footprints
  • Canticles
  • Summons

Cortex Fragments

Cortex Fragments can be looted from Villain, Elite and Commander enemies. After collecting 100 of them, you can exchange them for Favour at Custodian Rebus. The maximum amount of fragments you can gather is 200/week.

New Void Crusade

  • Gather Ecru Shards to open the brand new Ecru Void Crusade with 25 new missions! Complete its challenging missions to receive epic rewards! Fight and defeat the Alpha Legion, Tyranids, Nurgle and the Aeldari to collect your righteous bounty.

New Features

  • Hardcore Void Crusades are now available. You have only one life, but the overall loot bonus and quality is increased by 50%
  • Active consumables can now be removed to replace with another one. The remaining charges are lost
  • Buffs from Consumables, Weekly bonuses and purchased Canticles are now shown in the pause menu during missions

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed an UI issue when the player started a mission without an inoculator equipped
  • Fixed an issue where the Vote Quit button did not work when losing a campaign mission in multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue where the player could not move after using the Artillery Strike world skill
  • Fixed an issue where the player could target a few decoration objects during the Prophecy campaign
  • Fixed an issue where failed multiplayer campaign missions were counted towards the Veteran of Battles achievement
  • Fixed the incorrect encoding for the Portuguese subtitles of the Prophecy campaign intro [PS4 only]
  • Fixed the texture issue of the Psyker's Aether Blade

Balance Changes

Ranged Weapons


  • Frag Burst: Damage reduced from 1.36 to 1.292, ammo cost increased from 2 to 3, removed Fleshbane tag
  • Frag Burst (Archeotech): removed spread, added Knockback tag
  • Single Shot: Damage reduced from 1.40 to 1.3, reload time increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds

Plasma Cannon

  • Barrage: Cooldown reduced from 12 to 6 seconds, Overheat cost increased from 1 to 1.5
  • Barrage (Archeotech): fires 8 projectiles instead of 6 with a faster fire rate, overheat cost reduced to 1/shot from 1.5/shot
  • Compressed Shot: Damage increased from 1.2 to 2.2, Overheat cost increased from 4 to 7, chargeup time reduced to 1.5 sec (now charges at a rate of 250%/sec)
  • Compressed Shot (Archeotech): Charges up to 500% damage over the same time
  • Single Shot: Damage increased from 1.4 to 1.9

Plasma Gun

  • Short Burst (Archeotech): added Armor Piercing tag, cooldown is reduced to 1.5 seconds
  • Focused Bolt (Archeotech): Deals 25% more damage


  • Full Auto: added High Suppression tag
  • Full Auto (Archeotech): removed spread
  • Aimed Shot: added Critical Strike tag
  • Aimed Shot (Archeotech): Deals 10% more damage, added High Suppression tag


  • Short Burst (Archeotech): Deals 15% more damage, added Giantkiller tag


  • Rad Charge: AoE damage increased from 0.5 to 1.0
  • Rad Charge (Archeotech): AoE deals 50% more damage, shot deals 25% more damage
  • Single Shot: Damage increased from 1.14 to 1.5, Overheat cost increased from 0.6 to 0.8
  • Single Shot (Archeotech): Deals 5% more damage, added Armor Piercing tag
  • Melta Blast: Added Burning tag, chargeup time reduced to 1.5 sec (now charges at a rate of 250%/sec)
  • Overcharged Shot: Cooldown reduced from 5 seconds to 3

Grav Gun

  • Grav Implosion (Archeotech): AoE effect deals 36% more damage
  • Single Shot (Archeotech): Deals 20% more damage

Grenade Launcher

  • Airburst Grenade (Archeotech): added Extreme Suppression tag, deals 25% more damage, cooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 5

Heavy Bolter

  • Hellstorm (Archeotech): 33% faster base fire rate, has area spread instead of angle spread, removed spin-up
  • Disengage (Archeotech): Removed spread

Heavy Flamer

  • Phosphorous Blast (Archeotech): has Large Area effect, cooldown is halved
  • Schorched Earth (Archeotech): added Fleshbane tag


  • Short Burst: Heat cost/shot reduced from 2 to 1
  • Aimed Shot (Archeotech): Deals 25% more damage
  • Hot Shot (Archeotech): added Fleshbane and Critical Strike tags

Melta Gun

  • Inferno beam (Archeotech): added Armor Piercing tag, deals 25% more damage
  • Melta Blast (Archeotech): deals 5% more damage, cooldown reduced to 4 seconds from 5

Plasma pistol

  • Overheat capacity increased from 10 to 16
  • Overcharge: Damage increased from 1.25 to 1.5, chargeup time reduced to 1.5 sec (now charges at a rate of 250%/sec), now splits overheat between weapons (instead of giving 6 to one weapon, it gives 5 to both weapons)
  • Piercing Shot: cooldown increased from 2 seconds to 3, now splits overheat between weapons (instead of giving 4 to one weapon, it gives 6 to both weapons)
  • Piercing Shot (Archeotech): Deals 10% more damage, added Armor Breaking tag
  • Single Shot: Damage increased from 0.75 to 1.45, Overheat cost increased from 0.5 to 0.8
  • Focused Bolt (Archeotech): Deals 20% more damage

Grav Pistol

  • Overheat capacity increased from 14 to 16
  • Gravity Well (Archeotech): Deals 44% more damage
  • Gravity Flare (Archeotech): Reduced cooldown to 3 seconds from 6, deals 25% more damage
  • Temporal Anomaly: Damage increased from 1.0 to 2.0, cooldown increased from 1.2 seconds to 2.5, overheat cost increased from 1 to 2

Inferno Pistol

  • The Melta Blast and Melting Ray skills has been switched
  • Overheat capacity increased from 12 to 16
  • Melting Ray: now uses both weapons and shares overheat cost, Overheat cost increased from 2 to 4
  • Melting Ray (Archeotech): Overheat cost reduced to 3/shot instead of 4, deals 15% more damage
  • Melta Blast (Archeotech): Deals 12% more damage

Bolt Pistol

  • Concussive Shot: damage decreased from 2.8/shot to 2/shot but fires 2 shots simultaneously
  • Suppressive Fire: cooldown reduced from 8 to 4 seconds, burst repeat count reduced from 10 to 6 shots, damage decreased from 0.7 to 0.6/shot but fires 2 shots simultaneously, area radius increased from 3 to 4 meters
  • Suppressive Fire (Archeotech): added Knockback tag, deals 16% more damage
  • Single Shot: Damage increased from 0.71 to 1.3
  • Full Auto: Damage increased from 0.41 to 0.8
  • Full Auto (Archeotech): removed spread


  • Duals Beams (Archeotech): added Critical Strike tag, deals 20% more damage
  • Single Shot (Archeotech): added Armor Piercing tag


  • Crippling Salvo: Damage reduced to 0.25 from 0.35
  • Crippling Salvo (Archeotech): removed spread, deals 20% more damage
  • Assault Gunnery: Damage reduced from 0.26 to 0.247, rotation speed increased from 10°/sec to 12°/sec
  • Short Burst: Damage increased from 0.29 to 0.45
  • Short Burst (Archeotech): has Armor Breaking tag instead of Weak vs Armored
  • Full Auto: Damage increased from 0.2 to 0.28

Melee Weapons


  • Eviscerate: Instead of the endless channeling, the maximum channel time is reduced to 1.5 seconds, after that the skill must be recast. Damage increased from 2.5/sec to 4.95/sec
  • Eviscerate (Archeotech): has Armor Breaking tag instead of Weak vs Armored
  • Wide Strike: Damage Increased from 0.85 to 1.15, added Knockdown and Bleed tags


  • Eviscerate: Instead of the endless channeling, the maximum channel time is reduced to 2.0 seconds, after that the skill must be recast. Damage increased from 2.0/sec to 6.0/sec
  • Savage Assault: Damage increased from 1.35 to 1.6, range and movement speed has been significantly increased, removed Stun tag but added Knockdown tag
  • Savage Assault (Archeotech): Deals 12.5% more damage, cooldown reduced from 5 seconds to 3.5
  • Wide Strike: Damage decreased from 1.65 to 1.36, added Knockdown and Bleed tags
  • Wide Strike (Archeotech): Deals 5% more damage, added Armor Breaking tag

Power Axe

  • Wide strike: Damage increased from 1.8 to 3.4, added Knockdown, Slow and Fleshbane tags, added movement component to the skill
  • Strike: added High Suppression tag, damage increased from 0.94 to 1.395
  • Strike (Archeotech): has Armor Piercing tag instead of Armor Breaking, added Critical Strike tag

Power Hammer

  • Shockwave: Damage increased from 3.3 to 3.6, cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 4
  • Shockwave (Archeotech): Deals 11% more damage, cooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 4
  • Strike: Damage Increased from 1.0 to 1.1

Power Sword

  • Blade Flurry: Damage Increased from 1.0 to 1.55, added High Suppression tag
  • Wide Strike: Damage increased from 0.9 to 1.4, added Bleed, Pain, Shock and Knockback tags, added movement component to the skill, cooldown increased to 2 seconds from 1
  • Wide Strike (Archeotech): Deals 21% more damage, added Fleshbane tag

Thunder Hammer

  • Thundering Leap: changed from Large area to Area damage (now has smaller radius)


  • Crippling Strike: Critical Strike tag removed, applies 3 stacks of vulnerability instead of one
  • Crippling Strike (Archeotech): Adds 4 stack vulnerability/hit up from 3, cooldown reduced to 3 seconds from 4
  • Wide Strike: added Fleshbane, Bleed and Knockdown tags
  • Spinning Blow: Changed behavior to channeled (now you can move while spinning), added Slow and Demolisher tags, removed Knockdown tag
  • Spinning Blow (Archeotech): Deals 15% increased damage, no movement penalty


Suppression Shield

  • Block re-designed: The player now moves forward, projecting a continuos front facing shield that negates all damage from that direction. Reduces suppression damage by 80%. The player is immune to Knockback and Knockdown effects. Can be maintained indefinitely.

Storm Shield

  • Block re-designed: The player now moves forward, projecting a continuos front facing shield that negates all damage from that direction. Reduces suppression damage by 80%. The player is immune to Knockback and Knockdown effects. Can be maintained indefinitely.
  • Shield Charge: Distance reduced to 15 meters from 25, damage reduced from 1.0 to 0.8

Sentinel Armor

  • Turret: HP scaling increased by about 250%, Damage scaling increased by about 200%, Focus cost increased from 15 to 40, damage now has a 1.3 base damage multiplier up from flat 70-80 base damage, cooldown increased from 5 to 10 seconds
This post was edited 4 years 179 days ago by Marcopolocs
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[PS4/XboxOne] Update for Inquisitor | April 14
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4 years 233 days ago
Same here
4 years 237 days ago

Turning frame blending on or off makes no difference at all.

I've owned this game for 6 months now and this is still an issue for me and many others.

4 years 242 days ago

I'm not sure if This is the right spot. While the game ended the second mission it lost all of my inventory items. I've closed out and restarted the game and my items are still missing. I am playing on Xbox one.

This comment was edited 4 years 242 days ago by fudblinker
4 years 242 days ago

Hello, i would like report some problems, i'm on xbox, sry my eng is not very good

- the power sword wide strike ability don't work nicely, tags bleed/shock/knockback don't apply all the time (verylittle) & the "movement component" in some cases, at close range,trying to reach the ennemy instead of hitting & cause delay. (so unplayable)

-The greatsword :  the sppining blow sound stay in place, even after stopping (I only used it on 1 map)

- the shields : personnal feedback, but the auto move when "block"  i can't realy control the direction & in many cases, when i use "block" on a big ennemy(not only the bigger), the auto move make the character hesitate( left right left right or 360 °) because in my opinion the pathfinding tries to reach the axis of the box, but he can't... So why not add an option for disable it, to make the player choose when to advance. many times, i take damage because the character fail to "front facing" the ennemy.

thank you for reading :)

4 years 263 days ago
Not all Archeotech weapons have such upgraded skills, this depends on RNG.

@NINJAKNICKERS‍ I forwarded your experience to our devs, they will check whether any further adjustment can be done. On the other hand disabling Frame blending may be worth a try, check on it if you have some time.

4 years 267 days ago
I take that back. On open planetary worlds the screen tearing is still terrible, but isn't an issue in stations. And I have frame bleding enabled, same issue on standard sand quality mode.

Please fix this. 

4 years 267 days ago
I honestly thought you had given up on this for us console players, but you haven't and I'm very impressed with this update. It is playing so much smoother, faster and everything including the lighting looks very good, and no more screen tear or huge FPS drops!! It is playing beautifully now.

I'm so impressed I'm starting a brand new play through just so I can experience the game in this much better state.

Honestly though, very good job!!

So far my only complaint is that my PS4 sounds like it is going to take off like a Jet fighter but only on menu screens, during game play It's fine. My PS4 rarely sounds this loud with any other game so please take note of that :)

4 years 267 days ago
Actually, further to this I've just checked my Archeotech Crafting Blueprints and I have two Archeotech Plasma Cannons.

One of them has the 3rd and 4th abilities upgraded (post-patch stats) and the other has not (pre-patch stats). I obtained them both AFTER this patch came out.

Is it possible that both pre and post patch item versions are both in the game?

Other Unupgraded Archeotech Blueprints: Shotgun, Multi Melta, Greatsword, Bolt Pistol.

4 years 268 days ago

Hey Neocore, I'm playing on Xbox and it looks like many of the Archeotech weapon changes were not implemented. Archeotech Plasma Cannon's 3rd and 4th abilities are in a different colour and have been upgraded, but Archeotech Autopistol, Laspistol, Bolt Pistol and Power Axe haven't been updated. I can't check many others sorry!

The normal Thunder Hammer (area affect)and normal Plasma Cannon (4th ability's 1.5 Overheat per shot) changes have both been implemented though.

Could you please check the Archeotech weapons have all been updated correctly?

This comment was edited 4 years 268 days ago by RheimsNZ
4 years 268 days ago

Edit: my comment was deleted.

This comment was edited 4 years 268 days ago by RheimsNZ
4 years 277 days ago
Thank you for the update content!! 

Love the continuous blocking.

Shield sound fx are annoying while channeling block though maybe one sound to signal that you are active and not again until pulling the shield back up to block?? 

4 years 278 days ago
Awsome! Freaken love this game! Rebus is a awsome addition 
4 years 280 days ago
There is no level requirement so you can encounter them with lower level characters too.

The chances to run into 1 gets higher with time as you search for a specific enemy.

4 years 281 days ago

„Enemies of the Imperium can now spawn instead of Villains during missions.“

Could you provide some numbers regarding the chances?  
Are there any restrictions/ pre conditions to the missions like Minimum Level?


4 years 282 days ago
I’ve got the tech priest worm hole repeation glitch.  Lol.  Trying to complete the tech priest opening missions and you run in to a big round mission 3, it kicks you back into wormhole when you select a reply.  

Love the game and will be on board for the future.  

4 years 282 days ago
The targets spawn randomly right?
4 years 282 days ago
We will check the Shotgun, thanks for the details!
4 years 282 days ago
Man thanks fo this amazing patch! I already started theory crafting some items on PS4 when I frist red about the PC changes and you guys did delliver. Really enjoying the new gameplay of my builds so far!!!

The only minor complain that I have is that you forgot to change the amo capaity of the  enhanced weapon skill version of the Archeotec shotgun properly. All shotguns now have 14, the improved weapon skill version has just 12, which is like pre ranged weapons balancing. Sounds not a big difference but with 50% amo capacity boost you end up in 4 vs 3 burst shots before reload, which makes the improved version pretty  pointless even if got the nice skill boost on burst shot. Can you fix this?

Keep on exciting us! :)

4 years 282 days ago

Hi there, purchased the game today and also bought the prophecy dlc because I wanted to play tech adept. I’m supposed to goto the forge world Thule and chat but i am unable to proceed and get sent back through wormhole and no matter what dialogue choice I pick..

Paid $30 for the dlc on the Xbox store and it sucks that I cannot play it.