PS4 Tech adept issues with armor and charybdis dlc



Unlike all others characters all the armors type for the tech adept have the same skin so i suppose its a bug (i really hope it is for once) but i am tired of looking like a pope no matter the armors i use....

The charybdis outpost dlc is impossible to start with the tech adept.

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PS4 Tech adept issues with armor and charybdis dlc
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4 years 178 days ago

Different armor tier have different skins indeed only armors type have the same skin and its the only character in that case so i was genuinely thinking it was a bug or something.

Thank for  the answer.

This comment was edited 4 years 178 days ago by Armored8
4 years 179 days ago
The armour's appearance is based on its tier. Can you confirm that no matter the tier the armour remains the same?

The Charybdis Outpost DLC will be available for the Tech-Adept after a patch released today.