Ps4 crash, can't progress from chapter 2, stuck at clue 1/5


During chapter 2 the game crashed on my original ps4 and now I can' t progress beyond clue 1/5. When I go to the map I can' t select the new mission. 

I really don't want to start over, so can this be fixed? 

P.s. actually really liking the game up until the crash, but this soured my experienced quite a bit :(

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Ps4 crash, can't progress from chapter 2, stuck at clue 1/5
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5 years 340 days ago

thanks for reporting the case. In case you experienced this problem over the weekend and not in the last 24 hours please create a new character. You won't experience this problem again. If you experienced it yesterday please give it a try again a few hours later, our colleagues will check on your account by then!
Our apologize for the issue you experienced!